Ptt frequency, Tone supervisor control, Alert tones – GAI-Tronics L3149B C200 Advanced Deskset User Manual

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L3149B (C200) Advanced Tone Remote Desk Set


PTT Frequency

This feature, compatible with tone and optional E&M with tone control, allows the desk sets to use only a
single function tone burst generation when a voice transmission is required. The parallel status updating
function is also modified. This is useful when the base station is only capable of one frequency control or
when wildcard frequency keying is required.

 When a frequency change command is sent, the desk sets generate normal HLGT and function tones.
 When the monitor function is sent, the normal monitor command is sent.
 When a transmission is required, the HLGT and programmed PTT frequency is sent as the transmit

command. No other function tones are used during a voice transmission.

 When a parallel unit transmission is detected, the parallel status updates the selected frequency only if

the frequency falls within programmed function tone frequencies. When a parallel PTT frequency is
detected, the function tone of the unit is not updated and continues to be unknown (flashes) until a
frequency change command is detected.

Tone Supervisor Control

The L3149B offers a Tone Supervisor Control feature that locks out transmission of parallel units upon
detection of the proper tone control sequence. This feature cannot be activated during a parallel
transmission. The supervisor unit is programmed with appropriate on/off frequencies and a supervisor
button. Parallel, non-supervisor units are programmed with the same on/off frequencies.

When the supervisor unit operator presses the supervisor button and turns on the supervisor function,
programmed parallel units will not allow any transmission and their keyboards are locked. The display


until the supervisor turns the function off.

For relay controlled supervisor (optional kit) the L3149B can be configured using a relay programmable

Alert Tones

Alert tones are available via the programmable buttons. Using the programmable buttons on the desk set
three types of alert tones are available:

 A continuous 1004 Hz alert tone.
 A pulsed 1500 Hz alert tone; 250 ms on/off.
 A warble alert tone; 250 ms at 800 Hz, 250 ms at 1500 Hz.