Fronius Energy Package User Manual
Page 102
cos phi power factor
Activate it first, enter the required power factor and then complete the process by
selecting “ind” or “cap”.
ind = inductive
cap = capacitive
Utility company output (feedback output)
When the rule is enabled, input I/O 0 is activated (e.g. for operating a signalling de-
ausgeschlossene Wechselrichter [excluded inverters]
Enter the numbers of the inverters that are to be excluded from the rule. If entering
multiple inverters, use commas to separate them.
Deleting/adding a rule
+ = add a new rule
- = delete the currently selected rule
Key to colours
“Import” button
Click this to import rules in *.fpc format.
The “Import” button only works with certain browsers, e.g. it is supported by Firefox
and Google Chrome.
“Export” button
Click this to save the rules separately in *.fpc format.
“Apply/Save” button
“Cancel/Discard entry” button
Connection ex-
Ripple control signal receiver with 3 relays, for effective power limiting
Ripple control signal receiver with 3 relays, for power factor limiting
Fronius system monitoring I/Os
Consumers (e.g. signal lamp, signal relay)
NOTE! You can use the web browser's print function to create a PDF record of
the settings that you have made under the “EVU Editor” menu item or to print
these settings out (e.g. in the form of a commissioning record).