Fluke Biomedical MPS450 User Manual
Page 67

Cardiac Functions
Blood Pressure Function
4. As the automatic simulation proceeds, the LCD screen continues to indicate which
wave in the cycle is currently running: RIGHT ATR CVP 15/10; RIGHT VENT
25/00; PULM ARTERY 25/10; or PULM WEDGE 10/2.
5. To terminate the automatic Swan-Ganz simulation, press the ESC key.
6. To generate the complete Swan-Ganz cycle manually, select MAN from the screen
for the BP4 channel to display the screen for BP4 SWAN-GANZ MANUAL:
7. The manual simulation begins with a right-atrium CVP 15/10 dynamic wave. Select
INSRT to start the Swan-Ganz procedure with the simulated insertion of the catheter
into the heart.
8. To complete the Swan-Ganz procedure manually, select INSRT again. Next, select
INFL (simulating balloon inflation), then DEFL (simulating balloon inflation).
Finally, select PLBK (simulating pullback, that is, the withdrawal of the catheter),
then PLBK again.
9. At each point in the procedure, the LCD screen identifies which dynamic wave in the
cycle of four is currently running.
10. Press the ESC key to return to the BP4 screen.
11. Press the ESC key again to return to the top menu.
Alternatively, in the Numeric-Control Mode, press the number keys for a Swan-Ganz
simulation according to Table 2-27, and select RUN:
Table 2-27. Numeric Codes for Swan-Ganz-Simulation Settings
Swan-Ganz-Simulation Setting
Numeric Code
Swan-Ganz Auto
BP4 Right Atrium CVP 15/10
BP4 Right Vent 25/00
BP4 Pulmonary Art 25/10
BP4 Pulm Art Wedge 10/2
Swan-Ganz Manual
Insert (in Swan-Ganz Manual)
Inflate (in Swan-Ganz Manual)
Deflate (in Swan-Ganz Manual)
Pull Back (in Swan-Ganz Manual)