Fluke Biomedical MPS450 User Manual
Page 28

Operators Manual
6. Some simulations run continuously until terminated; others run as one-time events
and must be selected again to repeat. (Again, instructions are provided for each
Action in the Numeric-Control Mode
1. To navigate in numeric-control mode, press the number keys to enter the three-digit
numeric code for the desired function. (Numeric codes for functions are listed in each
section after the menu-control instructions. A complete list of MPS450 numeric
codes for actions, arranged by category and cross-referenced to remote-control-entry
codes, is available in the “Remote Operations” Chapter.)
2. The LCD displays a screen similar to the following:
3. Select RUN. (On the LCD screen, RUN does not flash while the selection is active as
it does in the menu-control mode.)
4. To scroll through screens while in the numeric-control mode, select DOWN or UP;
screens are available in chronological numeric order. (Inactive numeric-control codes
are skipped automatically.) Alternatively, simply press the number keys for another
numeric selection.
5. The screen for a numeric entry appears only after the entire numeric code is entered.
6. As the numbers for a three-digit code are entered, each number on the screen shifts
one place to the left. This means that the function identifications for other key codes
appear briefly on the screen during the entry process.
For example, from the ASYSTOLE numeric screen (in the example shown in this
section), if you begin to enter 382 for the PAROXYSMAL ATR TACH screen,
when you press 3, the LCD displays the screen [333] R WAVE WIDTH 150 MS;
and when you press 8, the LCD displays the screen [338] R WAVE WIDTH 200
MS. The ASYSTOLE screen does not appear until the entire code 382 is entered.