Premature atrial contraction (pac), Premature nodal contraction (pnc) – Fluke Biomedical MPS450 User Manual

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Operators Manual


3. Scroll to the LCD screen SUPRAVENT TACH.
4. Select RUN. The supraventricular-tachycardia simulation runs continuously (repeats)

until another arrhythmia selection is made.

Alternatively, in the Numeric-Control Mode, press the number keys 019, and select


Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC)

A beat that is 25 % premature but otherwise normal.
Any part of the heart can depolarize earlier than it should; the accompanying heartbeat is

called extrasystole. This type of depolarization is called a premature contraction; a

premature contraction that originates in the SA node is referred to as a PAC. An isolated

PAC is relatively unimportant. However, frequent PACs are a concern, because they

could be the precursor of more serious and potentially life-threatening conditions,

including atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and atrial tachycardia.
The MPS450 simulates a PAC as a one-time event within an otherwise-normal rhythm at

80 BPM.

Action in the Menu-Control Mode

1. Press the top-menu key labeled ARRHY.
2. Select PREM to display the following LCD screen:


3. Select RUN. On the LCD screen, RUN flashes to indicate that the PAC simulation is

running as a one-time event. When the simulation completes, the command INSRT

displays on the screen.

4. To send another PAC simulation, select INSRT.
Alternatively, in the Numeric-Control Mode, press the number keys 035, and select

RUN. (To repeat a PAC, select RUN again.)

Premature Nodal Contraction (PNC)

A nodal beat that is 25 % premature, followed by a nodal rhythm at 80 BPM.
A premature nodal contraction—also called a premature junctional contraction, a PNC, or

a PJC—is an extra beat that occurs as a result of an electrical impulse sent from the

atrioventricular (junctional) node. The P-R interval is shorter than normal. PNCs, which

may occur in isolation or in groups, can appear sporadically for no obvious reason in an

otherwise-healthy person.
The MPS450 simulates a PNC as a one-time event, followed by a normal sinus rhythm at

80 BPM.

Action in the Menu-Control Mode

1. Press the top-menu key labeled ARRHY.
2. Select PREM.