Definitions – Flowserve 400MD Logix User Manual
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The detection of a block leaving a particular state and when it returns back to that state.
A software program that interacts with blocks, events and objects. One application may interface with other
applications or contain more than one application.
A logical software unit that makes up one named copy of a block and the associated parameters its block
type specifies. It can be a resource block, transducer block or a function block.
Configuration (of a system or device)
A step-in system design: selecting functional units, assigning their locations and identifiers, and defining
their interconnections.
A physical entity capable of performing one or more specific functions. Examples include transmitters,
actuators, control lers, operator interfaces.
Device Description
DD Description of FBAPs within a device.
Device Description Language
A standardized programming language (similar to C) used to write device descriptions.
Device Tag
User-defined identifier for device.
An instantaneous occurrence that is significant to scheduling block execution and to the operational (event)
view of the application.
Communications protocol for a digital, serial, two-way system that interconnects industrial field equipment
such as sensors, actuators, and controllers.
Function Block
An executable software object that performs a specific task, such as measurement or control, with inputs
and outputs that connect to other entities in a standard way.
Function Block Application Process
FBAP The part of the device software that executes the function blocks (PID, AO, transducer, or resource blocks).
Link Active Scheduler
A device which is responsible for keeping a link operational. The LAS executes the link schedule, circulates
tokens, distributes time messages and probes for new devices.
The least common multiple of all the loop times on a given link.
Manufacturer’s Signal Processing
A term used to describe signal processing in a device that is not defined by FF specifications.
Network Management
A set of objects and services that provide management of a device’s communication system.
Network Management Agent
Part of the device software that operates on network management objects.
Network Management Information
NMIB A collection of objects and parameters comprising configura tion, performance and fault-related information
for the communication system of a device.
Entities, such as blocks, alert objects, trend objects, parameters, display lists, etc.
Object Dictionary
Definitions and descriptions of network visible objects ofa device. Various object dictionaries are contained
within a device. The dictionaries contain objects and their associated parameters which support the
application in which they are contained.
A value or variable which resides in block objects.
Proportional Integral Derivative
A standard control algorithm. Also refers to a PID function block.
System Management
Provides services that coordinate the operation of various devices in a distributed fieldbus system.
System Management Agent
Part of the device software that operates on system manage ment objects.
System Management Information
SMIB A collection of objects and parameters comprising configura tion and operational information used for
control of system management operations.
A coded value that qualifies dynamic variables (parameters) in function blocks. This value is usually passed
along with the value from block to block. Fully defined in the FFFBAP specifications.
Virtual Communication Reference
A defined communication end-point. Fieldbus commu nications can primarily only take place along active
communications path that consists of two VCR end points. For example, to establish communications
between a trans ducer AO block and another function block, a VCR must be defined at the transducer block
and a VCR must be defined at the function block between the two function blocks.
Virtual Field Device
A logical grouping of ‘user layer’ functions. Function blocks are grouped into a VFD, and system and
network management are grouped into a VFD.
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