7operation, 8configuration description, 1 introduction – Flowserve 400MD Logix User Manual

Page 29: 2 operation tasks, 2 function block application process

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Write configuration to the fieldbus network.

The configuration changes are sent to the appropriate fieldbus devices on the



Save the device configuration to disk.

A copy of the device configuration file is saved on the hard disk of the computer or

other disk.



7.1 Introduction

This section outlines the tasks for operating and monitoring the Logix 3400MD digital positioner on a fieldbus network. Refer to the Logix
3400MD Digital Positioner Start-up Guide, for additional information.

7.2 Operation Tasks

Fieldbus Device Operations

Positioning – For the most basic operation of the Logix 3400MD digital positioner the user must write the desired final position value to OUT
in the AO block. The AO block MODE_BLK would be set to Manual. The AO block SHED_OPT must be set to anything but uninitialized and the
CHANNEL is set to1. The Transducer block MODE_BLK is set to Auto. The Resource block MODE_BLK is set to Auto.

Note: A valid schedule must have been downloaded into the device for control from the AO block.

Calibration – Set the AO block and Resource block to OOS. Next set the Transducer block MODE_ BLK to Out-of-Service (OOS). Write the
desired calibration to CALIBRATE to perform the calibration routine. If performing the actuator pressure transducer calibration, the user will
need to first write the supply pressure value into PRESSURE_SUPPLY_CAL_ REF and the correct pressure units (Same as PRESSURE_SUP-
PLY_CAL REF units) into PRESSURE_UNITS. These are found under the XDTB_MAIN block. When calibrating a pro model positioner (342X
model) enter the ACT_SIZE and ACT_AREA before starting the calibration routine.


Configuration Description

8.1 Introduction

This section provides information about the construction and contents of the Logix 3400MD digital positioner Function Block Application
Process (FBAP) — the application that defines Logix 3400MD digital positioner function and operation in the process application.) This infor-

mation provides some understanding of the elements that make up the configuration of the device application.

For More Information on FBAP

The FBAP elements are described as they apply to the Logix 3400MD digital positioner in the following sections. More detailed information can
be found in Fieldbus Foundation documents FF-890 and FF-891 Foundation Specification Function Block Application Process.

8.2 Function Block Application Process


The FBAP comprises a set of elementary functions which are modeled as function blocks. Function blocks provide a general structure for
defining different types of device functions (such as analog inputs, analog outputs and PID control). The FBAP also contains other objects that

provide other device functions, such as furnishing alarm information, historical data and links to other blocks for transferring data.

FBAP Elements

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