B. verify prime modem configuration, B. verify backup modem configuration, B. demodulator operational faults status – Comtech EF Data SMS-758 User Manual
Page 160
Remote Control Operation
SMS-758 Modem Protection Switch
MN/SMS758 Rev. 3
B. Verify Prime Modem Configuration
Response: >add/VMC_x”cr” Where: x = 1 to 8 (prime modem number). B. Verify Backup Modem Configuration Command: Response: >add/VMC_Bx”cr” Where: x = 1 or 2 (backup modem number). B.3.5.8 Operational Status Commands (Faults) B. Modulator Operational Faults Status Command: Response: >add/MOF_”cr” BU_OP_FLT_xxxxxxxx”cr””lf”] Backup operation faults (see Note below) Where: x = 1 to 8 (prime mod number). Note: Fault status data is only returned if fault conditions exist. B. Demodulator Operational Faults Status Command: Response: >add/DOF_”cr” BU_OP_FLT_xxxxxxxx”cr” Backup operation faults (see Note below) DL_FLT_yyy”cr””lf”] All Demods on downlink “y” faulted (see Note below) Where: x = 1 to 8 (prime demod number). Note: Fault status data is only returned if fault conditions exist.
yyy = OK or FLT.
yyy = OK or FLT.
y = 1, 2, 3 (faulted downlink number).