Comtech EF Data MCED-100 User Manual
Page 81

MCED-100 MetaCarrier Embedding Device
Revision 1
Ethernet-based Remote Product Management
6–15 Status Pages
The Status pages provide status, event logging, and operational statistics windows.
Click the Monitor or Alarms tab to continue.
Status | Monitor
Figure 6-8. Status | Monitor page
Modulator Status
This section provides estimates for the Center Frequency (in MHz) and Symbol Rate (in ksps).
MetaCarrier Status
This section provides the value, in dBm, of the MetaCarrier Power Spectral Density Ratio.
GPS Status
• GPS Source – When GPS Source = “none” the internal and external GPS are not connected,
and the latitude and longitude that was manually entered by the user is transmitted in the
When GPS source = “internal” the internal GPS has been connected and the latitude and
longitude provided by the internal GPS is transmitted in the MetaCarrier.
When GPS source = “external” the external GPS has been connected to the MCED GPS
RS232 port, and the internal GPS is not active. In this case, the latitude and longitude
provided by the external GPS is transmitted in the MetaCarrier.