Argox PA-20 Basic Programming Manual User Manual
Page 27

PT-Basic Programming Manual Ver. 1.00
Purpose: To return the character for a given ASCII value.
Syntax: A$ = CHR$(N%)
Example: A$=CHR$(66)
Description: A$ is a string variable to be assigned to the result.
N% is a numeric expression in the range of 0 to 255.
Purpose: To return a string that represents the hexadecimal value (base
16) of the decimal argument.
Syntax: A$ = HEX$(N%)
A$ = HEX$(136) „A$=”88”
Description: A$ is a string variable to be assigned to the result.
N% is a numeric expression.
Purpose: To return a string that represents the octal value (base 8) of
the decimal argument.
Syntax: A$ = OCT$(N%)
Example: A$ = OCT$(136) „A$=”210”
Description: A$ is a string variable to be assigned to the result.
N% is a numeric expression.
Purpose: To return a copy of a string in which all uppercase letters will
be converted to lowercase letters.
Syntax: A$ = LCASE$(Str$)
Example: Str$="ABCDEFG"
Description: A$ is a string variable to be assigned to the result.
Str$ may be a string variable, string expression, or string