Argox PA-20 Basic Programming Manual User Manual
Page 26

PT-Basic Programming Manual Ver. 1.00
Purpose: To retrieve a given number of characters from the right side
of the target string.
Syntax: A$ = RIGHT$(Str$, N%)
Example: Str$ = "ABCDEFGHIJK"
PRINT RIGHT$("168IbB",3)
Description: A$ is a string variable to be assigned to the result.
Str$ may be a string variable, string expression, or string
N% is a numeric expression.
If N% is larger than the length of Str$, the entire sring is
If N% is zero, the null string is return.
Purpose: To return a copy of a string with leading blank spaces
stripped away.
Syntax: A$ = TRIM_LEFT$(Str$)
Example: PRINT TRIM_LEFT$(" Happy TEST END")
Description: A$ is a string variable to be assigned to the result.
Str$ is a string variable that may contain some space
character at the beginning.
Purpose: To return a copy of a string with trailing blank spaces
stripped away.
Syntax: A$ = TRIM_RIGHT$(Str$)
Description: A$ is a string variable to be assigned to the result.
Str$ is a string variable that may contain some space
characters at the end.
Purpose: To return the decimal value for the ASCII code for the first
character of a given string.
Syntax: A% = ASC(Str$)
Example: A%=ASC("Test...") 'A%=84
Description: A% is an integer variable to be assigned to the result.
Str$ is a string variable, consisting of characters.