Set voltage and set current limit, Store and recall, Ovp, ocp and sense – AMETEK XDL Series II User Manual
Page 25: Output power, Extra functions, Bus type and address/baud rate

settings are different. Pressing LINK when different ranges are set will cause the buzzers to
sound twice and the Range indicator of the previously unselected output to flash for 2 seconds.
Selecting Link mode will cancel any Jog selection set on either Main Output.
Set Voltage and Set Current Limit
Setting the output voltage and current limit by numeric entry or Jog control is essentially the same
as for the outputs in independent mode. Using numeric entry the two outputs will be set to
exactly the same new voltage and current limit, irrespective of the settings at the time the outputs
were linked. Note that there can be a finite time difference between the changes on the two
outputs, even if they are changing from the same initial setting; typically this time difference
should be no more than 40ms (80ms max). However, if the settings were different at the time the
outputs were linked, changing the voltage or current limit using the Jog control will maintain the
difference between the two outputs by incrementing/decrementing each output by the same step,
i.e. the outputs will 'track' each other. Tracking will be maintained until one of the outputs reaches
the range limit, at which time each further Jog step will cause the buzzer to sound for that output
(but with the output remaining at the range limit) whilst the in-range output continues to change,
i.e. 'tracking' ceases and the outputs converge with each further step. If the increment/decrement
is reversed the new (smaller) difference between the outputs is maintained until one output
reaches the range limit in the other direction.
If Link mode is exited whilst Jog is selected, Jog continues to be active on the selected output.
Store and Recall
In Link mode a further 50 non-volatile memories are available which are quite separate from the
50 memories for each output in independent mode. The parameters stored are Range, Voltage,
Current Limit, OVP and OCP. Operation in Link mode is exactly as described in the Store, Recall
and Delete paragraphs of the Main Outputs section; the display messages described in these
sections appear in both displays when Link mode is selected.
OVP, OCP and Sense
OVP, OCP and Sense can only be set when either channel is independently selected. The
settings are maintained when Link mode is selected; OVP and OCP can be saved as part of a
Link mode set-up but the Sense setting cannot. If an attempt is made to change OVP, OCP or
Sense whilst in Link mode the display of Output 1 will flash SELCt 1or2 to remind the user
that these parameters must be set independently for each channel. Press ESCAPE to cancel the
flashing display, assign control to the appropriate channel using the CONTROL 1 or 2 keys
and set OVP, OCP, or Sense as described for the individual outputs.
Output Power
Pressing SHIFT, V x A causes the output power of both outputs to be displayed simultaneously in
their respective displays (V x A in the voltage display,
in the current display) exactly as
described for independent operation.
Extra Functions
The # functions described in the Extra Functions paragraph of the Main Outputs section can also
be set when the instrument is in Link mode; both displays will show
after pressing
SHIFT, #. Any # function set in this way will of course be the same for both outputs. However,
the # functions can be different for each output if they are separately set whilst in independent
mode and the function selection will be maintained for each output even when the outputs are in
Link mode.
Bus Type and Address/Baud Rate
The Bus Type, Address and Baud Rate can only be selected when control is assigned to Output
2. The Output 2 display is used to show the parameters being set, exactly as described for
independent operation. If an attempt is made to set these parameters in LINK mode, or with
Output 1 selected, the display of Output 1 flashes
SELCt P.U._2
as a prompt to select
Output 2. Press Escape to clear the display prompt (or wait for it to time out), then select
Output 2.