AGI Security SYS-HC0851S2 User Manual
Page 135

PTZ activation: Here you can set PTZ movement when alarm occurs. Such as go to
preset, tour& pattern when there is an alarm. Click “select” button, you can see an
interface is shown as in Figure 4-92.
Period: Click set button, you can see an interface is shown as in Figure 4-93. There
are two ways for you to set periods. There are max 6 periods in one day. There are
four record types: regular, motion detection (MD), Alarm, MD & alarm.
Figure 4-93, Select icon
of several dates, all checked items can be
edited together. Now the icon is shown as
to delete a record
type from one per iod.
Figure 4-93. Click button
after one date or a holiday, you can see an
interface shown as in F igure 4-94. There are four record types: regular, motion
detection ( MD), Alar m, MD & alar m.
Anti-dither: Here you can set anti-dither time. Here you can set anti-dither time. The
value ranges from 5 to 600s. The anti-dither time refers to the alar m signal lasts time.
It can be seem as the alar m signal activation stays such as the buzzer, tour, PTZ
activation, snapshot, channel record. The stay time here does not include the latch
time. Dur ing the alar m process, the alar m signal can begin an anti-dither time if
system detects the local alar m again. The screen prompt, alar m upload, email and etc
will not be activated. For example, if you set the anti-dither time as 10 second, you
can see the each activation may last 10s if the local alar m is activated. During the
process, if system detects another local alarm signal at the fifth second, the b uzzer,
tour, PT Z activation, snapshot, record channel will begin another 10s while the
screen prompt, alar m upload, email will not be activated again. After 1 0s, if system
detects another alar m signal, it can generate an alar m since the anti -dither time is out.
Show message: System can pop up a message to alarm you in the local host screen if
you enabled this function.
Alarm upload: System can upload the alar m signal to the network (including alarm
centre) if you enabled current function.
Send email: System can send out email to alert you when alarm occurs.
Record channel: you can select proper channel to record alarm video (Multiple
choices). At the same time you need to set alarm record in schedule interface ( Main
Menu->Setting->Schedule) and select schedule record in manual record interface
(Main Menu->Advance- >Manual Record).
Latch: Here is for you to set proper delay duration. Value ranges from 10 to 300
seconds. System automatically delays specified seconds in turning off alar m and
activated output after external alar m cancelled.
Tour: Here you can enable tour function when alarm occurs. S ystem supports
1/8- window tour. Please note the tour setup here has higher pr iority than the tour
setup you set in the Display interface. Once there two tours are both enabled, system
can enable the alar m tour as you set here when an alar m occurred. If there is no
alarm, system implements the tour setup in the Display interface.