WaveWare SPS-5 v9E User Manual
Page 4

Extended Pager ID Method (TAP, COMP2, and SNPP Compatible Extended Interface Supporting
Embedded Control Characters and Paging Message Encoding Parameters Appended to the Pager ID
PET (Page Entry Terminal), which provides human readable messaging prompts and also supports
TAP protocol message formats
Simplex TAP, a Single Serial Command String Composed of a Standard TAP Message Block.
NOTE: Simplex TAP is the Recommended Interface Protocol for System Developers.
COMP1, Delivery of
COMP2, a Command String Composed of PagerID
SCOPE, a Proprietary Single Serial Command String that Includes Cap Code, Function Code, RF
Data Rate, and Message Values. Scope Protocol can be used as Either Simplex or Duplex
WaveWare, a Proprietary Single Serial Command String that Includes Cap Code, Function Code, RF
Data Rate, and Message Values. WaveWare Protocol can be used as Either Simplex or Duplex
SNPP, a bidirectional protocol originally designed as a paging gateway protocol into wide-area paging
networks via Ethernet
Programmable Carrier Signal Detection
, Which allows the Automatic Delay of Transmission while a
nearby Transmitter of the same Frequency is Operating.
Programmable Pager Database
, Supporting 5,000+ pagers, and up to 10 Groups of 20 Pager IDs each,
Stored in Non-Volatile EEPROM Memory. The Pager Database is “Not Required” for WaveWare Protocol,
Scope Protocol, Extended Pager ID Method used with TAP, COMP2 or SNPP protocols, or Pager ID as
Cap Code Mode. Windows Software, called WaveWare SPS-5 v
“Paging Encoder Setup” is provided for
Pager Database Programming, Com Port Settings, Ethernet settings, Range Testing, and General
Programmable Verbose or Non-Verbose Modes
, Verbose Output Means the Paging System Responses
Include more Information than Non-Verbose Responses.
Programmable Transmitter Duty Cycle Management
, In Percentage, from 0 to 100.
A Zero (0) value also means 100%.
Default is 66% Duty Cycle.
Programmable Timed Messaging Function
, Allowing the Paging System to Monitor the Host System,
and Automatically Deliver Alert Paging Messages if the Host System does not communicate to the Paging
System within a Two Minute Time Cycle. The Timer Triggered Messaging Function can be Enabled or
Disabled via Programming, and can also be used as a Repetitive RF ping for Fully Supervised Applications.
Predefined Alert Messages can be up to 60 Characters in Length.
Programmable Maximum Batch Size for Batch Messaging
, Ranging from 1 to 32 Messages per Batch.
Batch Messaging allows Higher Message Throughput by Outputting a Single
Preamble for the
Batch of Messages.
Default Max Batch Size is “10”
Programmable Pager ID as Cap Code Mode
, This Mode allows a Pager ID value in the COMP2, TAP or
SNPP Protocols to be treated as a Cap Code, allowing a Bypass of the Pager Database, and allowing
Direct Encoding of the Pager ID value as the Pager Cap Code. This Method Reduces Database
Configuration Efforts and Opens the Paging Encoder up to use of the Full Approximately 2 Million
Cap Code Values.
Programmable Carrier Detect Polarity
, Supports Integration of the WaveWare v9E Paging Encoder to a
Variety of Radio Transmitters.
Choice of 0v or 5v
Default is “0v”
“Introduction” Continues on the Next Page