Stx>idmessagechecksum Page 30: Ack>
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The ID Field is a one to ten character pager number. Leading zeroes are not required. The Message field accommodates
up to 235 alphanumeric characters. The Checksum field provides a checksum for the previous portion of the TAP
message block. See Appendix C – TAP Checksum Calculation, for sample code to create the checksum field.
The Message field can be formatted as follows:
For Alphanumeric
paging messages, all 7-bit ASCII “non-control” characters are valid except ^, ~, and _
For Numeric
paging messages, valid characters are the numbers 0 through 9, - (hyphen), and space
Control Characters
can be embedded into paging messages so that high end alpha pagers and paging data
receivers can respond with formatted screen displays and with formatted serial output, as required. Control
characters (typically
The Transparency Option replaces a non-printable control character with the SUB (Hex 1A) character
immediately followed by the control code offset by 40 Hex. See Appendix F - Embedded Control
Characters for details on how to embed control characters in paging messages.
The WaveWare v9E TAP Interface supports ID field lengths from 1 to 10 digits. The ID field can be formatted using two
different methods, as follows:
Method 1
- ID field lengths from 1 to 4 digits will cause a pager database lookup. ID fields of this format must
contain numeric digits only. The numeric ID value will be compared to the ID values stored in the WaveWare
v9E Paging System’s onboard Pager Database.
Method 2
- ID field lengths from 5 to 10 digits will cause Extended ID processing. Extended ID processing
assumes that the last 3 digits of the ID field define paging message encoding attributes, while the preceding
digits define the pager cap code. Extended ID processing allows you to avoid the process of configuring a
pager database in the WaveWare v9E Paging Systems. See Appendix E – Extended ID Processing for
details on how to format the ID field.
When the Host Device delivers a TAP Message Block to the WaveWare v9E
Paging System, if the message block is
properly formatted, and a 1 to 4 digit ID field matches the pager database, the paging system will respond with an initial
response code as follows:
211 Page(s) Sent Successfully
If your WaveWare v9E Paging System is configured to operate using TAP Non-Verbose mode, the paging system will
respond only with an initial response code of:
Following the first part of the TAP Message Block response, if the input buffer of the paging system has capacity for
another TAP message block, the paging system will send the following message.
flow control methods, you can use either hardware or software flow control. If the paging system is configured for
hardware flow control mode, the RS-232 CTS signal will be de-asserted when the input buffer doesn’t have capacity for
another TAP Message Block, and re-asserted when capacity exists in the input buffer. If the paging system is configured
for software flow control mode, an XOFF Character (0x11) will be output in the response string to indicate the input buffer
doesn't have capacity for another TAP Message Block. When capacity is available, an XON Character (0x13) will be
When the Host Device delivers a TAP Message Block and a checksum error occurs, the paging system will respond with
an error message and a
See Appendix D – TAP Response Codes for more information on paging system response messages. If the TAP
Message Block checksum is OK, but the Message Block violates formatting rules, the paging system will respond with an