WaveWare SPS-5 v9E User Manual

Page 12

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 The SPS-5 V9E Host Name field allows you to define a user-friendly reference for the paging encoder. That reference

field is displayed in the Discovery function in the Encoder Setup Software, to help you differentiate between
paging systems when multiple paging systems are displayed.

 The Enable DHCP checkbox allows you to use DHCP mode to auto-acquire an IP address on powerup of the paging

system. Typically, DHCP mode should be disabled, because browser and host system network connections require
a stable IP address assignment in the paging system.

 The IP Address field displays the current IP address of the paging system. If DHCP Mode is enabled, the IP Address

field is not editable.

 The Network Activity Resets Timed Paging function, when enabled, allows network messaging activity on Network

Connection #1 or #2 to reset the timed paging function that can be enabled in the Pager Groups page. This feature
is typically enabled for supervised connection applications where the host system, e.g. nurse call system, outputs
commands, such as ATI or a paging message, at least once every minute or so. If the paging system fails to
respond, the host system can alert to a failed paging system. If the host system fails to output the ATI, the
timed paging function timer is not reset, allowing the assigned predefined message to be transmitted every 2
minutes. That timed paging message is typically used to inform users that the host system is “down”.

 The Port Number for IP Connection #1 defines which IP port the paging system will be monitoring for network

connections from host systems such as nurse call systems. Note: the port number value for connections #1 and #2
can be the same or different, but if they are the same value, the Protocol assignment for both network connections
needs to be the same protocol assignment.

 The Protocol for IP Connection #1 defines the protocol that the paging system will be using for the first network


 The Assume Pager ID is Capcode for IP Connection #1 function causes the paging encoder to try to process all

pager ID values arriving on the network connection as capcode values, and to not use the lookup table defined in
the Pager Families page. Note: The Serial Port page allows definition of Use ID as Capcode for the serial port,
which gives you independent control of how each paging input port Pager ID values are interpreted by the paging

 You can make independent adjustments of the above settings for IP Connection #1 and IP Connection #2

 After Editing any Network Settings, click the

“Save Changes”

Button at the bottom of the screen. Note: Network

settings don’t take effect until the encoder is rebooted. The encoder can be rebooted by: 1) clicking the Reboot
button in the Network page, 2) cycling power at the paging system, or 3) using the Encoder Setup
to program the encoder.


 Click on the RF tab in order to configure the radio transmitter in the paging system

 The Ignore RF Carrier Detect checkbox should typically not be checked, when the paging system is being used in a

shared use site licensing scenario, to allow the paging encoder to hold transmissions (share the channel) while
another system is transmitting on the same radio channel. If you uncheck the RF Carrier Detect checkbox, the
paging system will transmit regardless of any other radio activity on the radio channel that is active in the paging

 The Carrier Detect Polarity setting should normally be set to 0V = Channel Idle, in order to ensure the paging

encoder properly detects Carrier Detection event signals provided by the radio in the paging system. This setting
is typically only used for troubleshooting purposes.

 The Invert Modulation Data checkbox should normally be unchecked to ensure the radio transmitter and pagers

properly encode and decode the paging messages. This setting is typically only used for troubleshooting purposes.

 The Maximum Messages per Transmission setting should normally be set to its highest value of 32

 The Station Identifier setting should display the Call Sign value defined in the FCC radio station authorization for the

paging system installation. The WaveWare Shared Use Site Licensing program for 2 watt paging systems has a
Station ID value of WPGU541. The Station Identifier is transmitted in Morse code on a periodic basis, typically
every 14 minutes.

 The Transmitter Duty Cycle setting should normally be set to 66% duty cycle.

 After Editing any RF Settings, click the

“Save Changes”

Button at the bottom of the screen.


 The Status page is provided primarily for technical support and troubleshooting reasons. The Port to Monitor

selection allows you to monitor the communications traffic for the serial port and for each of the two network

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