Help / supported devices, Help / supported programmers, Help / device list (current programmer) – Dataman 48Pro User Manual

Page 82: Help / device list (all programmers), Help / device list (cross reference)

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Help / Supported devices

This command displays list of all devices supported by at least
one type of all supported programmers. It is useful especially
when user wants to find any device supported by at least one
type of programmers.
Prefix ”g_” before name of device means the device is
supported by multi-socket programmer.

Help / Supported programmers

This command displays information about programmers, where
supported this program.

Help / Device list (current programmer)

This command makes a list of all devices supported by current
programmer and saves it to ?????DEV.txt text file and
?????DEV.htm HTML file in the directory where control
program is run from. Marks ????? are replaced by abbreviated
name of current programmer, the device list is generated for.

Help / Device list (all programmers)

This command makes device lists for all supported
programmers and saves them to ?????DEV.TXT text files and
?????DEV.HTM HTML files in the directory where control
program is running from. Characters ????? are replaced by
abbreviated name of programmers, the device lists are
generated for.

Note: The control program loses all information about current
device after this command is executed. Reselect wished
device again by any of select methods in menu DEVICE.

Help / Device list (cross reference)

This command makes cross reference list of all devices
supported by all programmers available on market and
supported by this control program. The resulting list is in HTML
format and consists of following files:

- one main HTML file TOP_DEV.htm with supported device
manufacturers listed
- partial HTML files with list of supported devices for each
device manufacturer

Main HTML file is placed to directory where this control
program for programmers is located.