Dataman 48Pro User Manual
Page 71
• in dialog “Prepare Configuration Files: I want create
a:” choose: “Boundary-Scan File”,
• in dialog “Prepare Boundary-Scan File: I want create
a:” choose: “STAPL File”,
• in dialog “Create a New STAPL File” write name of
Jam file with extension .stapl,
• in dialog “Add Device” select JED file with extension
• in the created jtag chain select device e.g.: XC2C32A
(left mouse button) and select sequence operation (e.
g.: Erase, Blank, Program, Verify; right mouse
• in menu select item “Output/Stapl file/Stop writing to
Stapl file”
run PG4UW, select device e.g.: Xilinx XC2x32A
[QFG32](Jam), load Jam file (Files of type: select
4. choose “Device operation option Alt+O” press button
“Jam configuration”. Warning “Select device from menu
"Select Devices" and Jam file is probably different!
Continue?” choose Yes. (Xilinx sw. does not include
line: NOTE "DEVICE" "XC2x32A"; in Jam file). In dialog
“Jam player” select action and procedures, finish
dialogs, press button “Play Jam” from toolbar and read
Log window
The ispVM Virtual Machine is a Virtual Machine that has
been optimized specifically for programming devices which are
compatible with the IEEE 1149.1 Standard for Boundary Scan
Test. The ispVM EMBEDDED tool combines the power of
Lattice's ispVM Virtual MachineTM with the industry-standard
Serial Vector Format (SVF) language for Boundary Scan
programming and test.
The ispVM System software generates VME files supporting
both ispJTAG and non-Lattice JTAG files which are compliant
to the IEEE 1149.1 standard and support SVF or IEEE 1532
formats. The VME file is a hex coded file that takes the chain
information from the ispVM System window. The devices can
be programmed in ZIF socket of the programmer or in target
system through ISP connector. It is indicated by
[PLCC44](VME) or (ISP-VME) suffix after name of selected
device in control program. Multiple devices are possible to
program and test via JTAG chain: JTAG chain (ISP-VME).
More information on the website:
In-System Programmability Guidelines