Dataman 48Pro User Manual
Page 58
Style: Hex
Save to buffer: LS Byte first
Address: 7FFFCH
Start value: 16000000H
Step: 1
Following values will be written to device:
The 1st device
Address Data
007FFF0 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 00 00 00 16
The 2nd device
Address Data
007FFF0 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 01 00 00 16
The 3rd device
Address Data
007FFF0 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 02 00 00 16
”xx” mean user data programmed to device
Serial numbers are written to device from address
7FFFCH to address 7FFFFH because serial number size
is 4 bytes.
Following example shows usage of SQTP serialization
mode when serial number is split into RETLW
instructions for Microchip PIC16F628 devices.
Note: Serial quick turn programming (SQTP) is Microchip
specified standard for serial programming of Microchip
PIC microcontrollers. Microchip PIC devices allows you to
program a unique serial number into each
microcontroller. This number can be used as an entry
code, password, or ID number.
Serialization is done by using a series of RETLW (Return
Literal W) instructions, with the serial number bytes as
the literal data. To serialize, you can use Incremental
mode serialization or From file mode serialization.
Incremental serialization offers serial number Split
function. Serial number split allows usage of incremental
numbers separated into even or odd bytes and between
each byte of serial number RETLW instruction code is
From file serialization is using proprietary serial numbers
file. This file can consist of various serial numbers. The
numbers can have format suitable for SQTP that means
number RETLW b1 RETLW b2 and so on. Note that
PG4UW serial file format is not compatible with SQTP
serial file generated by Microchip MPLAB.
Device PIC16F628 has 14 bit wide instruction word.
Instruction RETLW has 14-Bit Opcode: