Dataman 48Pro User Manual

Page 70

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statements are used to store information about the Jam
file. The information stored in NOTE fields may include
any type of documentation or attributes related to the
particular Jam program.

Source file
contains a program in Jam language. Jam program
consists of a sequence of statements. Jam statement
consists of a label, which is optional, an instruction, and
arguments, and terminates with a semicolon (;).
Arguments may be literal constants, variables, or
expressions resulting in the desired data type (i.e.,
Boolean or integer). Each statement usually occupies
one line of the Jam program, but this is not required. Line
breaks are not significant to the Jam language syntax,
except for terminating comments. An apostrophe
character (') can be used to signify a comment, which is
ignored by the interpreter. The language does not specify
any limits for line length, statement length, or program
size. More informations can be found on the website:

Jam file with extension .jbc is Jam STAPL Byte code
format which is not visible.

Converting JED file to Jam STAPL file for XILINX
1. install Xilinx Integrated Software Environment (ISE) 6.3i

software free download: WebPACK_63_fcfull_i.exe +
6_3_02i_pc.exe (315MB or so)

2. run Xilinx ISE 6/Accessories/iMPACT

• in dialog “Operation Mod Selection: What do you

want to do first?” choose: “Prepare Configuration