Start of data packet /sdp, Start of priority packet /spp, Continuation of data packet /cdp – Altera SerialLite II Protocol User Manual

Page 22: Continuation of priority packet /cpp, Suspend user packet /sup, End of good packet /egp, End of bad packet /ebp, Start of link management packet/slp, Control sequences

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Altera Corporation

SerialLite II Protocol Reference Manual

Physical Layer Description

Start of Data Packet /SDP/

The start of data packet symbol identifies the start of a regular user data

Start of Priority Packet /SPP/

The start of priority packet symbol identifies the start of a high-priority
user data packet.

Continuation of Data Packet /CDP/

The continuation of data packet symbol identifies the continuation of a
regular user data packet.

Continuation of Priority Packet /CPP/

The continuation of priority packet symbol identifies the continuation of
a high-priority user data packet.

Suspend User Packet /SUP/

The suspend user packet symbol identifies the termination of the burst to
allow for the potential switch of channel number of regular user data

End of Good Packet /EGP/

The end of good packet symbol identifies the end of a user packet that
was transmitted without errors.

End of Bad Packet /EBP/

The end of bad packet symbol identifies the end of a user packet whose
data is known by the transmitter to be unreliable.

Start of Link Management Packet/SLP/

The start of link management packet symbol identifies a link
management packet.

Control Sequences

The SerialLite II protocol defines a number of control sequences. These
are sequences of code-groups used to mark the beginning and end of a
burst or packets.