Application selector hardware image, Application selector software image – Altera Embedded Systems Development Kit, Cyclone III Edition User Manual
Page 72

Altera Corporation
Development Board Version 1.0.
July 2010
Altera Embedded Systems Development Kit, Cyclone III Edition
Restoring the Factory Design to the Flash Device
After erasing this section, you may wish to read back the erased contents
into a file, so that you can combine this file into the final factory recover
image. The command to read back this section into a file named
nios2-flash-programmer --base=0x10000000 --read
catalog.flash --read-bytes 0x2000000+ 0x2000000
Application Selector Hardware Image
The application selector hardware image section contains the FPGA
hardware image for the application selector utility. This section is located
at flash offset 0x2000000. The FPGA gets configured with this image upon
power-up and after a board reset. The file you will need to create this
portion of the factory recovery image is named
, and is located in the
application selector’s Quartus II project directory. The command needed
to create the application selector hardware portion of the factory recovery
image is:
From the Nios II Command Shell navigate to
From the Nios II Command Shell type:
sof2flash --offset=0x2000000 --input=
cycloneIII_3c120_niosII_application_selector.sof --
The command above converts the application selector SOF file
to hardware flash image.
To program this .flash file to flash, run the command:
nios2-flash-programmer --base=0x10000000
Application Selector Software Image
The final portion of the factory recovery image is the application selector
software image. This section is located at flash offset 0x0240000. The
Nios II processor resets to this address and runs this code every time the
FPGA gets configured with the application selector hardware image. The
file you will need to create this portion of the factory recovery image is
named ext_flash.flash, and is located in the application selector software