Altera Embedded Systems Development Kit, Cyclone III Edition User Manual

Page 41

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Development Board Version 1.0.

Altera Corporation

Altera Embedded Systems Development Kit, Cyclone III Edition

July 2010

About the Nios II 3C120 General Purpose Microprocessor System

CPU Platform

The CPU platform consists of

Nios II/f cpu core

JTAG Debug Port

32KB Instruction Cache

32KB Data Cache

Memory Interfaces

DDR2 SDRAM Controller

Run time program and data memory

CFI Flash Controller

Stores FPGA configuration data

Communication Interfaces


Used for Serial communication and debugging Nios II
applications via the on-board USB-Blaster circuitry.

Peripheral Set


Accepts the global input clock source from the 50MHz on-board
oscillator and generates the following clocks

100 MHz CPU Clock

60 MHz Peripheral Clock (“slow peripherals”)

System Clock Timer

General purpose system timer.

Performance Counter

Counter used for debug and system performance analysis.

System ID

Used to sync the hardware system generation with the software
generation tools.

Max II Interface

Communicates with the Max II CPLD on the base board. The
Max II CPLD manages configuration of the FPGA on boot up
using Fast Passive Parallel (FPP) configuration scheme.


Output only control block for LED1-LED4

Pushbutton PIO

Input only control block for the on-board pushbuttons.


Used to communicate with the EEPROM ID chip which stores
information about the board