Status displays, Receiver startup display, Time display – DMP Electronics Security Control Receiver SCS-1R User Manual

Page 25: Off-normal status, System status

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Digital Monitoring Products

SCS-1R Installation Guide



Status Displays

Receiver Startup Display

When the SCS-1R powers up, the software version and date of version release is displayed.

Time Display

During normal operation the display shows the current time. Press Command button to enter the OFF-NORMAL menu.

Off-Normal Status

Displays previous Fire, Fire Verify, Burglary, and Supervisory zones that have not restored. In addition, supervised

network (NET or CELL) accounts that are not communicating properly display here.



Press any top row Select key to view Off-Normal conditions. Press the COMMAND key to

advance to the System Status menu.




Off-Normal Accounts and Zones

Press the far left Select key to view supervised accounts. Press the far right Select key

to view non-restored zones.

1245678 ZN 123


Off-Normal Zone Display Example

After pressing the top row Select key under ZONES, all non-restored zone messages

display similar to the one shown on the left. The card number is listed first: Card 1 in

the example. The line number is listed second: Line 2 in the example. The account

number follows the line number: 45678. The zone number then displays: ZN 123. The

second line displays the zone type, Fire, Burglary, or Supervisory, followed by the event

type, Alarm or Trouble: FIRE ALARM is the message in the example.

1245678 ZN 123



Delete Off-Normal Zone Instance

When an off-normal zone displays, pressing any top row Select key can delete the zone

off normal status from the SCS-1R. Press the top row Select key under YES to delete,

or NO to save the message and return to the previous display. Default is NO.

1245678 NET ACCT


Off-Normal Account Display Example

After pressing the Select key under ACCTS, all off normal supervised accounts display

a message similar to the one shown on the left. The card number is listed first: Card 1

in the example. The line number is listed second: Line 2 in the example. The account

number follows the line number: 45678. The example message then displays: Network

Account not Responding.

1245678 NET ACCT



Delete Off-Normal Account Instance

When an off-normal account message displays, pressing any top row Select key can

delete this display from the SCS-1R. Press the top row Select key under YES to delete,

or NO to save the message and return to the last display. Default is NO.



End of List

This displays when the end of the Off-Normal list has been reached.

System Status

The System Status section displays the number of calls since 12:00 AM for each line card programmed for Digital

Dialer (DD) communication.


System Status

Press any top row Select key to view System Status.



Number of Calls

This displays the number of calls the line on a particular card has received since

midnight. The card number is listed first: Card 1 in the example. Range is 1-8. The

line number is listed second: Line 2 in the example. Range is 1-4 for all enabled DD

lines. XXXX in the second line of the display represents the number of calls. Press the

COMMAND key to advance to the next DD line card. If no more DD line cards display,

the display advances to the programming menu.

Line Level

This displays the signal strength and caller ID information for each line. The card number

is listed first: Card 1 in the example. Range is 1-8. The line number is listed second:

Line 2 in the example. Range is 1-4 for all enabled DD lines. The number in the top line

of the display represents the signal strength of the last call in -dBM. The second line

displays caller ID information of the last call. If caller ID information is unavailable, then

the ANI/DNIS information is displayed. If ANI/DNIS information is unavailable, then NO

DATA will display. Press the COMMAND key to advance to the next DD line card. If no more

DD line cards display, the display advances to the programming menu.

LINE 12 -19.5DBM