LINK Systems LinkNet I User Manual
Page 45

manual rev 2.1 March 25, 1999
Note that communications cards can have up
to two additional software chips as options (a
feed support chip for example). If updating
an existing option chip, replace that chip only
with a chip that has the same labeling (except
for the version)! If a chip is being added, it
may go into either available socket. Note that
the “Base” chip must always go in the
socket labeled “800-3" in figure A.7!
A.3.3 OmniLink OIT Communications Card
Software Upgrade Procedure
Note that older communications cards DO NOT
have any software. This section applies ONLY to
new communications cards. See Figures A.3 and
A.4 to determine which card is present.
Review the chip changing rules of section A.1.
Remove power from the OmniLink card rack
the OIT.
Remove the screws from the back panel of the
OIT, and remove the back panel.
Using Figure A.7, locate and remove chip 800-3.
Insert the new 800-3 “Base” chip in the location
labeled “800-3" in figure A.7.
Install the back panel on the Operator Terminal.
Figure A.7:
Communications Circuit Board
A.3.4 OmniLink Logic Module Upgrade
The base card rack has only one card, the Logic
Module, that contains software. To upgrade the
logic module:
Review the chip changing rules of section A.1.
Remove power from the OmniLink card rack
the OIT.
Remove the logic board from the card rack.
Using Figure A.8, locate and remove chips
5000-A and 5000-B.
Figure A.8:
OmniLink 5000 Logic Module
Circuit Board
Insert the new 5000-A and 5000-B chips. Make
absolutely sure that the “A” chip is in the “A”
socket and the “B” chip is in the “B” socket.
Insert the logic board in the card rack.