Linknet – LINK Systems LinkNet I User Manual

Page 26

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manual rev 2.1 March 25, 1999


Tonnage Detail

The tonnage detail screen (“Peak Tons” tab - see

Figure 4.5) shows the tonnage, high setpoint, low
setpoint, reverse setpoint, and any alarms for each
channel of the tonnage monitor. In addition, the
mode of the tonnage monitor (run/program/bypass)
and whether reverse and low limits are on or off are
displayed on this screen.

Figure 4.5:

Example Peak Tons Detail View

Note that additional tabs for data windows 1
through 4 will be present for each data window that
is enabled (See System 1100 manual or OmniLink
5000 tonnage monitor manual for information on
data windows).


The “Window” Menu

The “Window” menu (see Figure 4.6) is used to

manage multiple windows.

Figure 4.6:

Example Window Menu

Notice that the bottom of the window menu lists all
the windows that are open in LinkNet. The active
window is the one with a check mark beside it. Any
of these windows may be made the active window,
whether they are visible or not, by either selecting
the window from the menu or by hitting the number
key associated with the window. Of course, clicking
on any viewable part of a window will also make
that window active. In the example above, there are
three windows open - the Pressroom Overview
(which is always open), and 2 reports.

“Cascade” and “Tile” are two standard ways of

arranging the windows. Cascade will stagger the
windows so that the title bars of each window are
visible but the windows overlap. Tile will size and
position the windows so that none of the windows


The “View” Menu

The “View” has three selections - “Status Bar”,

“Current Databases”, and “Message Rate”.

The “Status Bar” menu simply allows the status

bar to be turned on and off. The status bar is at the
bottom of the LinkNet screen and shows the date,
time, and what shift, if any, is currently active.

“Current Databases” will show the currently

used databases in the system.

“Message Rate” shows the number of messages

per minute going over the line from the host
computer to the equipment at the presses.


The “Help” Menu

The “Help” menu has a single selection, “About

LinkNet...”. This selection displays a dialog with the
version number of the LinkNet software.