Sailplane trimming chart – HITEC Eclipse 7 User Manual

Page 37

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Glider(GLID) Section


To test for ...

1. Model Control Neutrals

2. Control Throws

Note: be sure all aileron &

flap horn pairs have

matching angles

3. Decalage & Center of


(Note: this is a trial and

error test procedure,

depends on desired

handling characteristics.

Back CG = less stability

but better performance)

4. Glide Path Control

Settings - Pitch Trim

Note: be sure all aileron &

flap horn pairs have

matching angles.

5. Glide Path Control

Settings - Elevator Delays

6. Glide Path Control

Settings - Roll Response

7. Differential/Coupled

Rudder setting

8. Camber (full wing aileron

& flap droop or reflex)


9. Launch Settings (Part 1)

10. Launch Settings (Part 2)

11. Speed Settings

12. Elevator-to-Camber

Coupling Setting

Test Procedure

Fly the model straight and


Fly the model and apply

full deflection of each

control in turn. Camber

control in neutral (setup

6 & 9).

Trim for level glide.

Enter 45 dive (across

wind if any) and release

controls. CAUTION:

beware of airspeed &


Fly the model and slowly

apply full deflection of

glide path control (airbrake

stick). Observe any pitch


Rapidly apply full glide

path, observe initial

pitching response

Fly the model and apply

full glide path control.

Observe any roll motion.

Fly the model and apply

alternating left & right

aileron commands.

Observe path of fuselage


Put the model in a straight

glide passing in front of you.

Apply camber control.

Switch to Launch mode.

Launch the model &

observe climb angle and

required control inputs

Switch to Launch mode.

Launch the model &

observe climb angle and

required control inputs

Switch to speed mode

(entire TE reflexed slightly,

<1/16"/1 mm)

Fly model at high speed,

bank & pull up


Adjust the transmitter trims for

hands-off straight & level flight,

no camber control.

Check the model's response to

each control input. Set flaps for

as much down flap as possible in

glide path control (90 is good)

<5 reflex needed.

A. Does the model continue its

dive without pulling out or diving?

B. Does the model start to pull out

(nose up)?

C. Does the model start to tuck

(dive more nose down)?

A. Nose drops, up elevator

required for level flight

B. No pitch change

C. Tail drops, down elevator

required to maintain level flight

A. Nose drops

B. No pitch change

C. Nose rises

A. Model rolls to right when glide

path control (airbrake stick)


B. No roll motion

C. Model rolls to left

A. Model yaws to right with left

aileron and vice versa

B. Fuselage traces straight line

C. Model yaws to left with left

aileron and vice versa

A. Model slows down & stalls or

sinks rapidly

B. Model slows slightly

C. Model speed unchanged

A. Shallow climb angle; lots of up

elevator required

B. Model climbs steeply with little

control input needed

C. Too steep climb, weaves

back & forth, down elev. required

A. Model banks left on tow

B. Model climbs straight ahead with

no roll input needed

C. Model banks right on tow

D. Model tip stalls to one side

A. Nose drops

B. No pitch change

C. Tail drops

A. Model keeps speed and comes

about rapidly

B. Model slows down


Change electronic subtrims

and/or adjust clevises to center

transmitter trims.

Aileron & elevator rates: set for

desired authority

Rudder: set for max. throw

Set flap motions in Steps

4, 5, & 9.

A. No adjustment

B. Reduce incidence (add down

elevator) and/or reduce nose


C. Increase incidence (add up

elevator or add nose weight)

A. Several options:

1) more up elevator mix;

2) reduce aileron reflex*;

3) increase flap motion*

B. No adjustment

C. Reverse of A

A. Increase elevator delay %

B. No adjustment

C. Reverse of A

A. Mix in less right & more left

aileron reflex with airbrake


B. No adjustment

C. Reverse of A

A. Increase differential and/or

amount of rudder coupling

B. No adjustment

C. Reduce differential and/or

amount of rudder coupling

A. Reduce amount of droop &/or

add elevator compensation

B. No change needed

C. Reverse of A

A. Move towhook rearwards small

amount, increase up elevator

preset a little, or add camber

B. No adjustment

C. Reverse of A

A. Reduce left ail & flap droop or

increase right ail / flap droop

B. No adjustment

C. Reverse of A above

D. Check droop same on both sides.

Increase aileron or decrease flap


A. Increase up elevator preset

B. No adjustment

C. Reverse of A

A. Increase down flap or leave alone

B. Reduce amount of down flap

*Note: Swept wing planeform may cause opposite reactions, so experiment until proper behavior is attained.