HITEC Eclipse 7 User Manual

Page 32

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Glider(GLID) Section


needed to trim. Press the Cursor Right key once to get
to the elevator setting menu (a small triangle appears
over the number 2). Set the desired number with the
Data +Increase or -Decrease keys. For starters, use
zero or very little elevator
compensation until you fly
and determine what is
needed: if the model pitches
up with crow, add down
elevator compensation and if it pitches downwards,add
some up compensation. Make only small changes in
compensation because it has a big effect on trim. Refer to
the sailplane trimming chart for more details.
27. (4WNG only) Now set
up the throws for the flaps
as desired. Press the
Cursor Right key once
to get to the flap setting
menu (a small triangle appears over the number 6). Set
the desired number with the Data +Increase or
-Decrease keys. Move the throttle stick and be sure the
flaps go DOWN with crow. If they don't, change the sign
(this may depend on servo orientation). You'll probably
want as much flap motion as possible - 90 is great if you
can get it. Like the ailerons, you set both flap offsets at
the same time.
28. (4WNG only) Then, using Subtrims, fine tune to get
neutral flaps on both sides. Use EPAs to get 90 flap
travel (or the amount of travel that you'd like) at full crow.
It may be helpful to use long servo arms on the flap
servos to increase their effective throw.
29. (4WNG only) You can
use the S.TM1 (launch)
preset for high launches.
You can set the two flaps
(CH6 and CH7) to drop
for more lift, and trim with elevator (CH2). Increase the
up- elevator preset in small increments until the plane
launches as steeply as you like, or add down elevator if
the model weaves back and forth or is hard to control
(remember to use the rudder stick, or rudder coupling,
during the launch). A well-trimmed model may actually
have some down elevator mixed in for launching.
Remember that to get the S.TM1 function to turn on, you
have to flip the Flt. Mode switch Back.
30. (4WNG only) You may
also set up the speed mode
presets (S.TM2) for high-
speed cruise between
thermals. Reflex the entire
trailing edge a very small amount -10% or even less all
the way across is recommended for starters. The trailing
edge should raise no more than 1/16" (1.5 mm), or you'll
gain more drag than penetration ability.

31. If desired, add aileron-
rudder coupling (A->R) for
coordinated turns. This
setting is highly dependent
on the model configuration.
Usually only a small amount of rudder is needed,
especially if a large amount of differential is present, so
start out with 10-15%.
Carefully observe the direction of the fuselage relative to
the thermal turn the model is making. If the nose points
towards the inside of the circle, the coupling is too high,
and if it points towards the outside of the circle, you need
more coupling. When everything is set properly, the
fuselage will be tangent to the thermal turn circle (see
page 33 for more details). While you are flying, watch
for trim changes during launch and crow control actions
and set the compensations to cancel them out. You may
wish to refer to the sailplane trimming chart presented

EPA - End point adjust

See ACRO instructions on page 18.

D/R - Dual Rates

See ACRO instructions on page 18.

EXP - Exponential

See ACRO instructions on page 20.

FLT.C - Flight Conditions

See ACRO instructions on page 20. There are three
FLT.C settings available in the GLID menus. Note that
in addition to the FLT.C features described there, you can
also use the STM.1 and STM.2 subtrim offset functions
to program different controls move to new positions.
Together, these can be used to set up launch and speed
control positions and offsets for sailplanes. The trim lever
for the flap stick controls the neutral position of both flaps
if 4WNG is on. In the GLID menus with the 4WNG
option on, the flight condition menus allow you to offset
the trim positions inputted by the trim levers for channels
1, 2, 4, and 6. The Speed Flap Trim offset functions
allow you to also offset the position of the elevator servo
(CH2) and the dual flap servos (CH6 and CH7). Speed
Flap Trim offset functions are described later.

Glider Model Function Descriptions

STRM - Subtrim

See ACRO instructions on page 21.

REV - Servo Reversing

See ACRO instructions on page 22.

PMX1 to PMX5 - Programmable Mixing Functions

See ACRO instructions on page 22.

ADIF - Aileron Differential

Ailerons are used to roll or bank the glider's wing, but
making a roll or turn has a price. A wing that generates
lift also generates a drag component called induced
drag, meaning that drag is induced as a by-product of the
lifting wing. This means that the wing that is lifting more
is also dragging more, and the resulting drag difference