HITEC Eclipse 7 User Manual
Page 17

58. With landing mode on, it is possible to lose some
aileron effectiveness. Be sure to test the landing sett-
ings at altitude before trying it on a landing approach.
You should spend some time fine-adjusting the elevator
travel so that there is minimal trim change when the
landing (Flt. Mode) switch is operated.
59. Press one of the Up
Down Edit buttons until
the LAND window appears,
as shown. The landing
mode is OFF unless the
Flt. Mode switch is fully forward.
60. The arrow should be over the numeral 2. Now
press the Data +Increase key to change the percent-
age shown. You may input the amount of offset for the
elevator at this time. This should be set from -7% to -
10%. Don't use too much or it could crash your model.
61. Press the Cursor Right key one more time, and you
may now input the CH6 setting. The rates may vary con-
siderably for different models, but for initial settings you
might try the flap rate around 50-55%. You may want
flaps to droop or rise, depending on the model type.
62. E->F Mixing: you may couple elevator to flaps for
tighter corners in the elevator-to-flap mixer. Get to the
E->F menu, then activate it by pressing the Clear key.
Press the Right Cursor key to get the percent symbol
to flash. Now you may input the percentage of mixing
with the Data +Increase key. Start out with 10-20%
and increase it until the corners in your loops are square
enough. If the flaps don't drop when you pull up elevator,
reverse the sign in front of the mix percentage (change
the + to a - or vice versa).
63. Be sure to input a mix-
ing percentage for each
side of the elevator stick
64. Programmable mixers: now take advantage of your
system's advanced custom programming capabilities.
You may use up to five programmable mixers (PMX1
through PMX5) to get rid of unwanted tendencies (for
example, rolling or tucking during knife-edge flight.
65. For tucking during knife-edge, you want to apply a
little up elevator when you are using full rudder to sustain
knife-edge. Thus, we want the master channel to be
rudder, and the slave to be elevator.
66. To program this mixing, first get to the PMX1 window.
Press one of the Edit Up/Down keys until you see
PMX1 displayed. Then press the Active/Inhibit (Clear)
key to activate it (a flashing ON or OFF will appear,
depending on the position of the CH. 7 switch, which
turns mixer #1 on and off).
67. Next, press the Cursor Right key once to select the
master channel (MAS flashes on and off), then press the
Data +Increase key until the little arrow moves over the
Aircraft(ACRO) Section
48. Aileron Dual Rate setting. You can use the dual
rate function to reduce the aileron and elevator travel in
flight by flipping switches. Dual rates are typically used to
reduce a model's sensitivity.
49. Get to the D/R menu
by pressing one of the
Up Down Edit buttons
repeatedly until D/R
appears, as shown.
50. The aileron dual rate setting automatically affects
both ailerons if the flaperon function is active. To set
the aileron dual rate, move the arrow by pressing the
Right Cursor key until the little arrow is under or over
the numeral 1 (the arrow depends on the position of the
Ail D/R switch above the right stick.) Now move the
aileron D/R switch up or down, noticing the position of
the arrow. You can set two dual rates, one for each
switch position. If you set them, be sure to note which
switch position turns them on.
51. By pressing the Data +Increase or -Decrease keys,
you can add or subtract from the numerical value dis-
played. Note that you may pick a value anywhere from
0% to 125% (125% is larger than the normal amount, so
if you do this be careful not to exceed servo travel limits
and cause stalling or excess current drain). If you quic-
kly want to get back to the default 100%, press the Clear
key. We suggest using an initial value of 75%.
52. NOTE: If you set any of the dual rates to 0%, you will
OF YOUR AIRCRAFT when the switch is in that position.
53. Also note that the flight mode indicator NOR may be
flashing. This tells you that you have set the dual rates
for the NOR mode, and if you activate other flight modes,
you can set dual rates for them as well.
54. Elevator dual rate setting: press the Right Cursor
key one time to get the little
arrows above or below the
numeral 2. Now set the
elevator dual rates in the
same way you set the
ailerons in the previous step.
55. Rudder dual rate setting: press the Right Cursor
key one time to get the little arrows above or below the
numeral 4. Now set the rudder dual rates in the same
way you set the ailerons and elevator in the previous
56. Note that you can have different dual rate values
in each of the different flight conditions. When
you activate flight conditions, be sure to set dual rates for
each one if you desire.
57. Landing setup. You can get an airbrake effect by
flipping a switch to raise or lower both flaperons and add
elevator to keep it trimmed. This high-drag configuration
makes the landing approach steeper to help make safe
landings in small fields. This is an on-off function, not
Upper arrow indicates upper D/R switch setting
Lower arrow indicates lower switch setting Flashing
ON or OFF depends on Flt. Mode switch setting
ON or OFF depends on Flt. Mode switch setting