HITEC Eclipse 7 User Manual

Page 24

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Aircraft(ACRO) Section


Aileron-to-rudder mixing is a function which causes the
rudder to move automatically with the motion of the aile-
ron stick. This is done because when ailerons are used
to command a turn, the down-moving aileron has more
drag than the up-moving one, so the plane's fuselage
tries to yaw against the turn. Adding rudder mixing cures
this problem by making the fuselage point straight into the
oncoming air stream (this is also called "coordinating the

The slower the model flies, the more mixing is needed,
and the faster it moves, the less is needed. It is ideal to
make slow-flying scale models fly realistically. The
amount of coupling is highly dependent on the model
configuration. Usually only a small amount of rudder is
needed. It will also help to set
up some aileron differential
using the EPA menus.
A good starting point is to limit
the ailerons' down motion to
50% to 75% of the up-moving
aileron's motion. The aileron-
to-rudder mixing function is
turned on and off by the
Rudder D/R switch.

Setting Up E F Mixing
Press one of the Up
Down Edit buttons until
the E->F window appears.
The default is for the
function to be inhibited. To
activate, press the Active/
Inhibit (Clear)
key. This will cause the INH display to
change to a number display, and either ON or OFF will be
flashing depending on the position of the Flt. Mode switch
(fully aft turns it ON).
2. Press the Cursor Right key to get the percent sign
flashing, then press the Data +Increase and -Decrease
keys to increase or decrease the amount of mixing.
Check the direction the flaps move with elevator stick:
with up elevator, the flaps should droop downwards, and
for down elevator they should come up. In other words,
they should move opposite the elevator motion. If they
don't, use the Data +Increase and -Decrease keys to
change the sign in front of the percentage number. You
should probably start with a smaller number (say 20% or
so) and slowly increase it to learn how the model reacts.
Remember the position of the Flt. Mode switch turns this
function on and off (fully back turns it ON).

ON or OFF depends on Flt. Mode switch setting

Nose Points outside Circle
increase coupling and/or

A->R - Aileron Rudder Mixing

ELVN - Elevon Mixing

The Elevon function should be used
with delta wings, flying wings, and
other tailless aircraft whose
layouts combine the aileron
and elevator functions, and
requires one servo for each
elevon. Connect the right
elevon to receiver CH1
and the left elevon to CH2.
The amount of aileron and elevator response can be
adjusted independently. However, if you program in too
much elevator or rudder travel, the servos may reach
their travel limits before full stick motion has occurred.
The default values for this mixer are 100%, but you may
want to keep the travel settings at 50% or below

because most elevon planes are very sensitive, and
adjust the control linkages to get the travel you desire.
Note that you cannot use either flaperon or V-tail mixing
when elevon mixing is active.
Setting up elevon mixing
The right elevon should be plugged into CH1, and the
left elevon should be plugged into CH2.




Aileron Operation

Elevator Operation

Coordinated turn
fuse lines up with turn direction
(don't change anything!)

Nose Points inside circle
too much coupling or differential.
Reduce one or both.

Setting Up A->R Mixing (Rudder Coupling)
Press one of the Up
Down Edit
buttons until
the A->R window appears,
as shown. The default is
for the function to be
inhibited, as shown. To activate, press the Active/Inhibit
(Clear) key. The letters "INH" will turn to "0," and either
the ON indicator or the OFF indicator will be flashing,
depending on the position of the Rudder D/R switch.
2. Press the Cursor Right key once, and the Percent
sign will be flashing. Move the aileron stick all the way to
the right, and adjust the R/D mixing amount by pressing
the Data +Increase or -Decrease key. You may set any
amount between 0 and 100% (an initial value of 10-20%
is suggested). To return to the initial 0% value, press the
Active/Inhibit (Clear) key.
3. Move the aileron stick all the way to the left, and adjust
the L/U mixing amount in the same way. To return to the
initial 0% value, press the Active/Inhibit (Clear) key.