EXFO PSO-100 Series Optical Sampling Oscilloscopes User Manual

Page 114

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Burst Mode Measurements



Then, select Gated from the Clock menu. A window pops up, according to
the figure below.

Insert the burst period, duty factor, rise- and fall times, and the burst trigger
level. In this case, the burst period is 0.775 ms, the burst duration is 155 μs,
that is, a 20 % duty factor. The AOM have rise and fall times of 100 ns. If
there is a distinct peak in the beginning of each burst originating from gain
variation in an EDFA in the loop, the rise time can be adjusted to remove
this peak. The trigger level should be set between zero and the signal peak
power, in this case, 5 mW.

Initially, only the recovered eye diagram is shown in the application, but by
selecting Display>Dual window>Gated, you can observe the bursts in
Freerun mode together with the trigger level in the upper window.

Rise time

Fall time

burst period

Trigger level
