Chapter 4: drivers & utilities, System software installation with raid option, Drivers & utilities – Eurocom D900K F-Bomb User Manual

Page 63: System software installation with raid option -1

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Drivers & Utilities

4 - 1


Chapter 4: Drivers & Utilities

This chapter deals with installing the drivers and
utilities essential to the operation or improvement
of some of the computer’s subsystems. The system
takes advantage of some newer hardware compo-
nents for which the latest versions of most available
operating systems haven’t built in drivers and utili-
ties. Thus, some of the system components won’t
be auto-configured with an appropriate driver or
utility during operating system installation. Instead,
you need to manually install some system-required
drivers and utilities.The following operating sys-
tem is covered.

• Windows XP Professional and Home Editions
• Windows XP Media Center Edition

System Software Installation with
RAID Option

If you have included the RAID option in your pur-
chase configuration and want to install a Windows
operating system, prepare the following before
beginning to install the OS:

• A USB floppy disk drive
• A Windows XP OS CD/DVD
• A formatted blank 3.5" 1.44MB floppy diskette
• The Device Drivers & Utilities + User’s Man-

ual CD-ROM

See the

“RAID Setup” on page 7 - 21

for instruc-

tions on creating the RAID and installing the OS.
You can then install the appropriate drivers and
utilities (from page

4 - 9
