Viconics VWZS Integration Guide User Manual

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after referred to as “Viconics”) makes no warranty as

to the accuracy of or use of this technical documentation. Any use of the technical
documentation or the information contained therein is solely at the risk of the user.

Documentation may include technical or other inaccuracies or typographical errors. Viconics
reserves the right to make changes to this document without prior notice, and the reader
should in all cases consult Viconics to determine whether any such changes have been made.
The information in this publication does not represent a commitment on the part of Viconics.

Viconics shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the
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This guide contains links and references to third-party websites that are not under the control
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Electronic controls are static sensitive devices. Discharge yourself properly before manipulation and installing
the Viconics wireless gateway.

All Viconics wireless gateways and related wireless controllers are to be used only as operating controls.
Whenever a control failure could lead to personal injury and/or loss of property, it becomes the responsibility of
the user to add safety devices and/or alarm system to protect against such catastrophic failures.

All Viconics Series wireless controllers and associated components have been rigorously
tested to ensure reliable operation in most building applications using the latest 2.4 ZigBee
technologies. Viconics cannot guarantee against potential network interference should
additional wireless systems be deployed sharing close proximity.

Best practices covered in this manual and all related Viconics documents should be
considered as a guide to apply Viconics Wireless Network devices only. The instructions
included in this manual are based upon Viconics in house testing and should be referred to as
a guide only.

Viconics Inc. may not be held liable for continued reliable or robust operation of any and all wireless based
devices. Although Viconics has taken many precautions in assuring the robustness of the VT7000 series wireless

product line and associated network access point (JACE’s with wireless option card) please note; future

application of additional wireless devices utilizing the same or similar channels and / or frequencies may degrade
performance of overall system and / or reliability.

Non-approved modifications or changes made to the communication card, the wireless controller driver or
wireless controllers may void the FCC compliance of the wireless card and wireless controllers.

Ferrites supplied with the power supply and VWG MUST be installed according to instructions. Failure to do so
may void the FCC compliance of the wireless card and wireless controllers.