C.5. boom control switches and interface, C.5.1. boom interface cable, C.5.2. boom control switches and interface – TeeJet ARC-6000 User Manual

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Rev.- 1


ARC 6000

CE & S




Speedometer Sensor: If installed on a vehicle with a two speed axle, be sure the sensor is mounted between the ratio
corrector and the speedometer head.


The ARC system is supplied with, a boom interface cable (standard) or a boom control switch panel (optional).


The connector on one end of the Boom Interface cable plugs into the Boom I/O position on the back of the control
console. The other end of the cable has up to nine wires that have been terminated with a male to female spade terminal
pig tail. These wires are individually numbered from one through five (one through nine is optional). The installer must
decide which of the booms will be designated by each number. Then, each numbered wire from the boom interface cable
must be connected to either, the boom on/off switch or the boom valve itself, in the appropriate sequence. Each wire
must be connected to a terminal that is normally open when the boom section valve is closed (OFF) and powered (12 V.
DC) when that particular boom section valve is opened (ON)

Each Boom Interface also has an Implement Status cable connection. The status switch must provide (+12 VDC) to the
white (or green) wire or application control will not occur. If a status switch is not being used, the shorting plug
must be installed, otherwise the control system will not operate.

Each boom interface also has a ground speed over ride cable. The optional Ground Speed Override switch should be
mounted conveniently for the operator's use and the excess cable coiled up and secured in a protected location. This
switch can be either hand or foot operated. If a switch is not desired, but GSO is desired, be sure the shorting plug is
installed in the end of the ground speed over ride cable.

All wire ends should be connected first and then routed back to the control console. Unused wires should be taped and
secured to prevent damage. Check to insure the cable is protected from abrasion and breakage, and secure with cable
ties or clamps. It is recommended that excess cable be coiled in a figure 8 and secured in a protected place. Insert the
connector into the Boom I/O position on the back of the console (See Appendix A).


Using the Boom Control box as a template, locate it conveniently close to the sprayer operator and close enough to the
control console for the connecting cable to reach. Drill mounting holes and firmly attach the switch box to the vehicle.
(In some cabs, it may be necessary to fabricate a mounting bracket for the switch box.)

The Boom Control switch box is equipped with at least four cables (Boom I/O, Power, Boom Valve, and Implement
Status). The Boom I/O cable plugs into the Boom I/O position on the back of the console. Carefully route the power
cable to (12 VDC only). Connect the red (fused) wire to the positive 12 VDC and the black wire to vehicle ground. The
third cable ends with up to nine smaller cables (depending on the switch box purchased), numbered one through nine,
and supplies power to the individual boom valves. Carefully route this cable to the boom valves and connect the wire
pairs to the valves in sequence (boom one is usually the section furthest to the left). The status cable is terminated with a
3 position connector (used for the status switch) or a male / female spade pigtail (used for electrically activated carrier
pumps). When the status or pump switch is “OFF”, the console stops applying and demands a previously selected
response from the Flow Control valve. If a status or pump switch is not used, the shorting plug must be installed.
The Ground Speed Override switch is built into the boom control switch panel.

Check to insure all cables are protected from abrasion and breakage, and secure with cable ties or clamps. It is recom-
mended that excess cable be coiled in a figure 8 and secured in a protected place.