Solvline SerialGate User Manual
Page 96
SerialGate User Guide
Testing Reset
It tests whether ‘Reset’ button of a device server works.
If a user selects ‘yes’ option, it waits for ‘Reset’ key to be pressed for approximately 6 seconds.
If ‘Reset’ is pressed or 6 seconds passed, it shows the result on LCD.
T e s t I n g R e s e t
OK !
If there is nothing
wrong, it shows OK !’ or ‘Failed !’ otherwise.
Testing Console
It tests whether console port of a device server works.
For the test, DB9 Loopback connector should be conned to all the console ports.
If a user selects ‘yes’ option, it starts Loopback test, and prints out the result on LCD.
T e s t I n g C o n s o l e
OK !
If there is nothing wrong, it shows OK !’ or ‘Failed !’ otherwise.
Testing RTC
It tests RTC interface working as a clock for the device.
If a user selects ‘yes’ option, it sets time up on RTC and prints out the result on LCD.
After the test, a user should reset the time and date.
T e s t I n g R T C
O K !
If there is nothing wrong, it shows OK !’ or ‘Failed !’ otherwise.