LABEC M-MIA-A User Manual

Page 91

background image

Ultrasonic milk analyser

pH measuring
y.yy pH
– measured in the probe voltage
y.yyy – measured pH of the sample
By pressing the button Exit, the operator may enter the program and to pass
to upper menu.

9. pH En/Disable.
Enables or disables the pH measurement during the normal work of the
analyzer - On line. After staring it, the following message appears on the

pH Measuring

No OK Yes

Where XXX is the current state of the working mode. By pressing the buttons
under each of the inscriptions it may be changed. Yes – means that during
the analyzers normal work the pH will be measured together with the rest of
the parameters. No – means that the pH measurement will not take place.

10. pH U Display.

Enables or Disables displaying the measured voltage of the pH probe during
pH measurement. After starting it the display shows the following:

No OK Yes

Where XXX is the current state of the displayed mode. By pressing the
buttons below the corresponding inscription it may be changed. Yes – means

Operation manual
