LABEC M-MIA-A User Manual
Page 59

Ultrasonic milk analyser
Using the butyrometer's graded scale the fat content in the products is
directly read in percentages.
2.8. Measurement accuracy
By using milk butyrometer
The difference between two parallel determinations could not exceed:
For skimmed milk, whey and buttermilk - 0,05 g for 100 g product;
For cream - 0,5 g for 100 g product;
For milk - 0,1 g for 100 g product;
By using cream butyrometer
The difference between two parallel determinations could not exceed 0,5 g
for 100 g cream.
3. Determination of water content and solids in the milk and milk
3.1. General
The solids represent the fat content, proteins, carbohydrates and salts.
Sampling is done according Appendices Milk sampling and preparation of
samples for analyses ad Sampling and preparation of samples for verification
the accuracy of the milk analyser, making corrections and recalibration.
3.2. Basic principles.
Water content is determined by weight when drying at temperature (102±2)
С of the weighted product till constant mass, expressed in grams for 100 g
The solids/dry substance is the mass of the dry remainder, received after
dehydration of determined quantity product at temperature (102±2)
С till
constant mass and is expressed in grams for 100 grams of the product.
3.3. Necessary devices and reagents
- Assay balance with loading bounds 200 g and error 0,0002 g.
- Mercury thermometers from 0 to 100
С and from 0 to 150
С with value of
scale division 1
- Pipettes from 5 to 10 сm
, class II;
- Glass banks with grind stopples with volume 100-200 сm
- Drying-oven with thermal regulator for keeping the temperature (102±2)
- Exicator with silicagel or another hygroscope material;
- Weight plates;
- Peg for the weight plates;
- Glass pods with rounded ends;
- Quartz, sea or river sands.
Operation manual