The culligan process – Culligan Platinum Plus Series User Manual

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The Culligan


Your Culligan water conditioner consists of three basic components, (A) the Control Valve, (B) the

Mineral Tank, and (C) the Brine System.

A. The exclusive Culligan control valve automatically performs a variety of tasks that are necessary

for the proper operation of your water conditioner. These tasks, commonly referred to as cycles

or operating positions, are Service, Regeneration, and Brine Refill.
1. Service: While the control valve is in the “Service cycle”, hard water is directed down

through the column of Cullex


resin where hardness minerals are removed from the water.

The softened water is then directed into your household plumbing lines. The ability of the

Cullex resin to remove hardness minerals needs to be periodically replenished; this is

referred to as . . .

2. Regeneration: While the control valve is in the “Regeneration cycle”, water is first

directed up through the column of Cullex resin to flush accumulated sediment out of the

resin and down the drain. Then, the regenerant brine solution is slowly drawn from the

bottom of the salt storage tank of the Brine System and is directed down through the

column of Cullex resin, restoring the ability of the resin to remove hardness minerals from

your water supply. Once completed, the regeneration cycle is followed by . . .

3. Brine Refill: While the control valve is in the “Brine Refill cycle”, a predetermined

amount of water is directed to the salt storage tank of the Brine System so that additional

salt can be dissolved to provide the brine solution that will be needed for the next

regeneration cycle.

B. The Mineral Tank contains the Cullex resin column, Cullsan


underbedding, and an outlet

manifold. The number of gallons of hard water that can be softened by the Cullex resin column

before it needs regeneration is called the “capacity” of the resin column, and depends upon

the amount of hardness minerals in each gallon of water (expressed as grains per gallon) and

upon the amount of regenerant brine solution (expressed as pounds of salt) passed through the

resin column during regeneration.

Your Culligan service person, taking into account the hardness of your water and the amount

of softened water your household may

reasonably expect to use each day, has

carefully established how often the softener

will regenerate and how much salt will be

used for each regeneration. This will ensure

that all of your soft water needs will be fulfilled

without using an excessive amount of salt.

C. The Brine System consists of a salt storage

container and hydraulic Dubl-Safe


The salt storage container holds the salt that

is used to make the regenerant brine solution.

The hydraulic Dubl-Safe valve limits the

amount of water that is returned to the salt

storage tank during the brine refill cycle.

Since a predetermined amount of salt is

dissolved with each brine refill cycle, the salt

must be periodically replenished in order to

maintain efficient operation. Your Culligan

service person will be able to tell you about

how often salt must be added to the salt

storage container.

Brine Tank

Brine Tank

Salt Plate

Brine Valve


A. Control



B. Mineral Tank

Resin (Cullex)



C. Brine System