Great Planes Spirit 2-Meter Sailplane Kit - GPMA0530 User Manual
Page 28

pushrod. Tack glue the wires in place with a couple drops of
CA. Firmly wrap the end of the pushrod with strong thread
and apply thick CA to hold everything in place as shown on
the plans and in the photo.
D 1. Slide
one of the 1/4" x 3/8" Basswood Servo Rails
(SPRTF11) into its slot in the fuselage doubler. Slide it all the
way forward and glue it in place with thick CA. Slide the
other servo rail into place and then slide it all the way to the
back. Do not glue it yet! Position one of your servos in place
and use it to position the rear servo rail. Do not push the rear
servo rail up tight against the servo but rather leave about a
3/32" gap between the servo "body" and the rear servo rail.
This will give you enough room to put the servos in and out
without removing the rails. Glue the rear servo rail in place.
D 2. Position both of
the servos together in the middle of
the rails and mark where the holes for the servo mounting
screws should be drilled. Remove the servos and drill 1/16"
holes where the marks are. Install the servos, with the wires
exiting forward, using the servo mounting screws that came
with the radio.
D 3.
Cut three "arms" off of two X-type servo horns
using wire culling pliers or a razor saw as shown in the
following sketch.
D 4.
Read and follow the instructions that came with your
radio to install or charge the batteries and get the servos ready
for mounting. Plug the servos and the battery pack into the
receiver and turn on the transmitter first and then the
receiver. Adjust the trim levers to their neutral positions and
allow the servos to return to their neutral positions. Install the
two servo horns you cut earlier with the arms facing opposite
directions as shown on the plans. Operate the transmitter
sticks to make sure the servo horns turn freely without hitting
each other or the fuselage sides. If they do, cut or sand them
until they will operate freely. Turn off the receiver first and
then the transmitter.
D 5. Screw a Nylon Clevis (NYLON17) onto the
threaded portion of each pushrod. Slide the pushrods into the
fuselage. The rudder pushrod exits the top of the fuselage just
in front and to the left of the fin. The elevator pushrod exits
the hole in the rear of the fuselage. Snap the nylon clevises
into the outermost hole in the servo horns. The rudder
pushrod goes to the left servo and the elevator pushrod goes
to the right servo. With the control surfaces in their neutral
position, use a felt tip marker to make a small mark on each
pushrod wire where they cross the holes in the control horns.
Remove the pushrods from the fuselage and make a Z-bend in
each wire with the first bend starting where the marks are.
Nylon Clevis
(Airplane shown not covered , f o r reference)
D 6.
Cut any excess wire off 1/4" past the Z-bend and
reinsert the pushrods into the fuselage. Remove the nylon
control horns from the elevator and rudder and install the
horns onto the pushrods. Both pushrods should connect to the
control horns through the second hole from the inside. Rein-
stall the control horns to the elevator and rudder. Adjust the
nylon clevis or the bends in the wire until the control surfaces
are at neutral when the servo horn is perpendicular to the
centerline of the fuselage.
D 7. If you are installing spoilers, mount the spoiler servo
between formers F3 and F4. It can be mounted on servo rails,
or on its side with servo tape. Cut 3 arms off of an X-type
servo horn as you did for the tail surfaces and mount a #2 x
3/8" (not included) screw in the outer hole. Adjust the servo
and your transmitter so the hom is almost pointing towards
the rear of the plane when your transmitter stick is in the
"spoilers closed" position. The horn should rotate towards
the front of the plane when the transmitter stick is moved to
the "spoilers open" position. Which way the transmitter
stick moves to open the spoilers is up to you. Both directions
are used by todays pilots.