Great Planes Spirit 2-Meter Sailplane Kit - GPMA0530 User Manual

Page 16

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D 6. Punch out all four of the Wing Joiner Laminations,

the Dihedral Braces and the Leading Edge Brace from the
die-cut sheets SPRTW04 and SPRTW05. Test fit all of the
pieces in place and sand them if necessary to make them fit
nicely. The wing joiner laminations are installed between the
spars and arc sandwiched in place by the dihedral braces. The
C1 clamps can be used to hold everything in place.

D 7. When satisfied with the fit, mix up a batch of epoxy

(30 minute cure time is ideal, 5-minute is too fast), coat the

joiner laminations with a layer of epoxy and install the joiner

laminations between the spars. Quickly apply some epoxy to
the dihedral braces and hold them in place using the C1
clamps. Also apply some glue to the leading and trailing
edges and pin them together to keep them aligned with one
another. Wipe off any excess epoxy that may have squeezed
out before it cures. After the glue cures sand off any glue
globs that may have formed.

D 8. Glue the 1/8" Plywood Leading Edge Brace in

place using thick CA. It should be centered (up and down) on
the leading edge because 1/16" sheeting will be added later.

D 9. Locate one of the 1/16" x 3" x 24" Balsa Sheets

(SPRTW17) and cut it into 6 pieces 2-3/8" long. Slide one of
the sheets in place in front of the dihedral brace, trim it to fit
and glue it to the LE and the dihedral brace with thick CA.

D 10. Glue another piece to the rear of the dihedral brace.

then cut a third piece to fit behind the second and glue it in



11,12,13 and 14 and instead just
glue all six W1A and W1B ribs in place.

D 11. Punch out six W1A ribs and six W1B ribs from the

1/8" die-cut balsa rib sheet (SPRTW01). Test fit these ribs

into position. A little sanding may be necessary to make them
fit properly. Glue all six W1B ribs into place using thick CA
(the two center W1B ribs arc glued together). Glue the outer
two W1A ribs into place but the remaining four W 1 A ribs will
not be added until later.

D 12. Cut a piece of 1/4" birch plywood (not included) to

fit between the leading edge and the spars. It will be called the
Front Wing Bolt Plate and should be approximately 2-1/8"
x 2-5/16". Glue the wing bolt plate in place with either epoxy
or thick CA. Add strips of 3/16 triangle stock wherever
possible along the joints to help reinforce it.

D 13. Glue a W1A rib to each side of the wing bolt plate.

Trim the other two W1A ribs to fit together on top of the wing
bolt plate and glue them in place. Cut out a section of these

two W 1 A ribs to clear the wing bolt as shown in the sketch on
the top of the next page.