E-MU Tracker Pre USB 2.0 User Manual

Page 20

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E-MU Systems

10. Click the Control Panel button.

The pop-up dialog box shown at
right appears.

11. Set the ASIO Buffer Latency as low

as your computer will allow and
click OK.
(10ms is a good starting point.)
A low latency setting is important
to assure fast response when using
virtual instruments and to
minimize delay when monitoring
through Cubase. If you hear crackles or other audio problems, try increasing
the Buffer Size.

If the Cubase LE 4 appli-
cation crashes for any
reason, it is recommended
that you re-boot the

12. Close the Device Setup screen by clicking OK.

Setting up a New Project

13. Select New Project from File menu in Cubase LE 4. A pop-up Template

selection dialog box appears. Select Empty, then click OK.

TIP . . .
If you have more than one
hard disk, it’s usually best to
store your audio files on a
disk that doesn’t contain
your operating system.

14. Another pop-up dialog box appears asking you to select the directory in which

your audio files will be stored. Choose a location to store your audio files and
click OK.

15. Select Project Setup (Shift +S) from the Project menu. This is where you set

the Sample Rate and Record Format (bit depth), among other things. Set the
Record Format to 24 Bit and the Sample Rate to 44.100 kHz.

Step 10



Step 9

