Drawmer M500 Dynamics Processor User Manual
Page 25

Ch 4 - 3
LIMITERs are used to impose more firm control over signal dynamics than a COMPRESSOR and
are often used to set an absolute maximum level that the signal being processed must not
exceed. Technically, the function of a LIMITER is identical to that of a COMPRESSOR but the ratio
is higher. This Effect has the same user-adjustable parameters as the COMPRESSOR. There is
a choice of manual or auto (programme dependent) release time.
The lowest ratio that can be selected is 2:1 whereas the maximum is 90:1 which, for all practical
purposes, sets an absolute preventing the input from exceeding the threshold by more than a
fraction of a dB. It is commonplace to assign a LIMITER following a COMPRESSOR, especially
where the COMPRESSOR is set to a low ratio or has a long attack time. In these circumstances,
the COMPRESSOR can still pass very high peak levels and it is useful to employ a LIMITER as a
second line of defence.
The LIMITER attack time is variable up to a maximum of 5mS allowing the user to decide what
duration of clipping or overload is tolerable. For most material, badly clipped signal peaks of less
than 2mS in duration are imperceptible. However, for applications where instant control is vital,
the LIMITER attack time may be set as low as 20µS.
The M500 can be used to PAN a mono signal between the two channels with a choice of eight
modulation waveshapes. For conventional PANning, either the Sine wave or Triangle wave will
give the most natural result, but other waveforms are included for special Effects.
Because of the sophistication and diversity of the PANNER, only its more basic options will be
described in any detail, though a full description of the features is available in the main manual.
The first page gives access to the most important parameters, these being RATE, RANGE, WAVE
and PHASE. RATE sets the speed of the PAN Effect while RANGE determines the stereo width
of the Effect. The maximum value of 60dB will give the widest possible PAN. Of course the M500
will need to feed a pair of mixer channels PANned hard left and right for this to be achieved.
WAVE gives a choice of eight control waveforms starting with Sine while Phase determines
whether the unit functions as a PANNER or a tremolo unit. If PHASE is set to in, then the level of
both channel changes together rather than alternating.
The advanced features of the PANNER give a choice of Audio, MIDI Note or MIDI Beat triggering
and it is possible to set the PAN start position to any point between the extreme left and right
PAN positions. There is also an envelope function which allows the PAN width to increase with
time after triggering. A similar facility is available to add 'decay' to the PAN width after triggering
if so desired.
Because the PANNER generates a stereo output, it requires both audio channels
of the M500 to be assigned to the PANNER. A single channel may be used to
create a tremolo effect.