Digilent DIO5 User Manual
Page 18

DIO5 Reference Manual
Digilent, Inc.
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
if (adr = "000011" and cs = '0') then regSsg(15 downto 8) <= db; end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Assign outputs of the LED holding registers to the led outputs
rgbLed <= not regLed;
-- Synthesize control signals for the LCD display
rgbLcd <= db when (cs = '0' and we = '0') else "ZZZZZZZZ";
lcden <= '1' when (adr = "0001--" and cs = '0' and not ((we = '1') and (oe = '1'))) or
lcen = '1' else '0';
lcdrw <= we;
lcdrs <= adr(0);
-- Get button inupts: All 16 button inputs are registered. Six buttons
-- (A through F) are passed directly through to output pins on the CPLD,
-- and ten buttons (0 through 9) are encoded to BCD.
-- Register all buttons
process(rgbBtnIn, lclk)
if lclk = '1' and lclk'Event
then regBtn <= rgbBtnIn;
end if;
end process;
rgbSyncBtn <= regBtn;
-- Assign debounced pass-through buttons to their outputs
rgbBtnOt <= rgbSyncBtn(15 downto 10);
-- 10-4 Line BCD Encoder for Buttons
encBtn <= "0000" when rgbSyncBtn(0) = '1' else
"0001" when rgbSyncBtn(1) = '1' else
"0010" when rgbSyncBtn(2) = '1' else
"0011" when rgbSyncBtn(3) = '1' else
"0100" when rgbSyncBtn(4) = '1' else
"0101" when rgbSyncBtn(5) = '1' else
"0110" when rgbSyncBtn(6) = '1' else
"0111" when rgbSyncBtn(7) = '1' else
"1000" when rgbSyncBtn(8) = '1' else
"1001" when rgbSyncBtn(9) = '1' else
-- Seven Segment Display Driver
-- Counter to cycle around the four digit numbers.
process (lclk)
if lclk = '1' and lclk'Event then
cntDig <= cntDig + 1;
end if;
end process;
-- Seven Segment Display Decoder. This logic defines a four bit binary to
-- seven segment decoder. The output produces a logic 1 for each segment
-- that should be on and a logic 0 for each segment that should be off.
-- Segment A is the least significant bit.