Connecting a modem to the auxiliary port, Connecting to the bits port – Cisco XM Universal Gateways Cisco AS5400XM User Manual

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Cisco AS5400XM Universal Gateway Chassis Installation Guide


Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco AS5400XM Universal Gateway

Connecting to the BITS Port

Step 2

Configure your terminal or PC terminal emulation software for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and
2 stop bits. To configure the console port, see the Cisco AS5350XM and Cisco AS5400XM Universal
Gateways Software
Configuration Guide.

Connecting a Modem to the Auxiliary Port

To connect a modem to the auxiliary port, follow these steps:

Step 1

Connect a modem to the auxiliary port using an RJ-45 rollover cable with an RJ-45-to-DB-25 adapter.
The adapter provided is labeled MODEM. (See

Figure 3-11


Figure 3-11

Connecting a Modem to the Auxiliary Port

Step 2

Make sure that your modem and the auxiliary port on the Cisco AS5400XM universal gateway are
configured for the same transmission speed (38400 baud is typical) and hardware flow control with Data
Carrier Detect (DCD) and Data Terminal Ready (DTR) operations.

Connecting to the BITS Port

Use a coaxial cable to connect a timing signal generator (TSG) to the BITS port. The BITS port is used
for external clocking. (See

Figure 3-12




rollover cable


RJ-45-to-DB-25 adapter

(labeled MODEM)

T1/E1 8 PRI


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7


Auxiliary port
