AERCO BMK 1500-2000 User Manual

Page 58

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Benchmark 1500 - 2000 Boilers


Page 58 of 188

AERCO International, Inc. • 100 Oritani Dr. • Blauvelt, NY 10913


Ph.: 800-526-0288


BMK 2000 Natural Gas Combustion Calibration

1. Open the water supply and return valves to the unit and ensure that the system pumps

are running.

2. Open the natural gas supply valve to the unit.

3. Set the control panel ON/OFF switch to the OFF position

4. Turn on external ac power to the unit. The display will show loss of power and the time

and date.

5. Set the unit to the manual mode by pressing the AUTO/MAN key. A flashing manual

valve position message will be displayed with the present position in %. Also, the
MANUAL LED will light.

6. Adjust the air/fuel valve position to 0% by pressing the

▼ arrow key.

7. Ensure that the leak detection ball valve downstream of the SSOV is open.

8. Set the ON/OFF switch to the ON position.


Change the valve position to 30% using the ▲ arrow key. The unit should begin its start
sequence and fire.

10. Next, verify that the gas pressure downstream of the SSOV is set to 3.9 ± 0.2” W.C. If

gas pressure adjustment is required, remove the brass hex nut on the SSOV actuator to
access the gas pressure adjustment screw (Figure 4-3). Make gas pressure adjustments
using a flat-tip screwdriver to obtain a gas pressure within the range of 3.9” W.C. ± 0.2”


Using the ▲ arrow key, increase the valve open position to 100%. Verify that the gas
pressure on the downstream side of the SSOV settles within the range of 3.9 ± 0.2” W.C.
Readjust the gas pressure if necessary.

12. With the valve position at 100%, insert the combustion analyzer probe into the flue probe

opening and allow enough time for the combustion analyzer reading to stabilize.

13. Compare the oxygen readings on the combustion analyzer to the on-board O



value displayed in the Operating Menu of the C-More Control Panel. If the values differ by
more than ±1.5% and your combustion analyzer is correctly calibrated, the on-board O2
sensor may be defective and need to be replaced.

14. Compare the measured oxygen level to the oxygen range shown below. Also, ensure that

the nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) readings do not exceed the values
shown. If you are not in a “NOx-limited” area and/or do not have a NOx measurement in
your analyzer, set the oxygen (O


) at 5.5% ± 0.5%.

Combustion Calibration Readings – 100% valve Position

Valve Position

Oxygen (O


) %

Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)

Carbon Monoxide (CO)


5.0% - 6.0%

≤20 ppm

<100 ppm