Crossfade – 360 Systems TCR Multi-Track User Manual

Page 88

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TCR Series User's Guide

7. Default Time

Selects the start time of newly created files. Choose a Fixed Time, or get the start time from
the Internal Generator or from Incoming Time Code.

8. Default Tracks

Selects which tracks to arm for newly created files

9. Default Title

Chooses the default name of newly created files. The system automatically appends the file’s
index number to this name.

*. More Preferences

Displays a second page of system preferences. The following items reside on the More
Preferences Menu

0. Typed Time Values

Determines the resolution for typed time values — whether to include frames, sub-frames in
addition to hours, minutes and seconds

1. Rewind/FF Speed

Sets the fast transport speed limit (1x to 60x).

2. Prompt on Exit

Selects whether to prompt the user before closing an open file.

3. Screen Saver Off

Selects when to prevent the LCD Screen from going blank (after one hour without button
presses). Choose During Play and Record or During Record Only.

Each “preference” function is explained in more detail the following sections.


MENU | Machine Setup | Preferences | Crossfade

The Crossfade function sets the crossfade interval that is used each time the TCR enters and exits the
record and erase modes — either with a manual record, an auto-record, or a punch-in / punch-out with
the ARM buttons.

Use the following steps to set the crossfade interval.

1. On the Setup Preferences Menu, select item 0 (CROSSFADE). The current crossfade

interval is highlighted.

2. Select the desired crossfade interval. The range is from 1 MS (millisecond) to 30 seconds.