360 Systems TCR Multi-Track User Manual

Page 68

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4-18 Operations

TCR Series UserManual

Time Code Display Options

From the Transport Screen, press DISP. A prompt to select one of the following display modes
will appear:

0 = Offset Register

1 = Relative to Zero Mark


3 = File Position

4 = Internal Generator

5 = External Time Code

Starting a Chase Operation

Assume the chase parameters (see Chase Modes above) are set to:




From the Transport Screen, press CHASE. The TC LOCK indicator in the Time Code Display
and the PLAY button will blink until the selected time code source is valid, at which time the
transport will start playing synchronously to external time code. If the incoming time code stops, the
transport will stop, blinking the TC LOCK indicator and the PLAY button. To terminate chasing
press STOP or turn off the CHASE button.

Other variants of chase mode operate in a similar manner.

Punching In and Out During Chase

While playing synchronously to an external time code source (i.e. chasing) recording can be done in
the normal manner –hold REC then press PLAY to punch in, or just press PLAY to punch out.

Auto-Recording During Chase

Pressing the AUTO button while chasing enables automatic punch-in and punch-out at the edit points.
The TCR will locate to the beginning of the pre-roll period, and wait. When the external time code
reaches this point, the TCR will begin to play. It will enter record mode at the edit-in point, and exit
from record at the edit-out point. Playback will continue synchronously to external time code until
the end of the post-roll period, at which point the TCR will stop, cancel the chase operation, and
reposition to the edit-out point.

The PLAY or STOP button will cancel Auto Recording.

Reviewing During Chase

Pressing the REVIEW button while chasing will cause the TCR to locate to the beginning of the pre-
roll period and wait. When external time code reaches this point, the TCR will enter play mode. It
will continue to play synchronously to external time code until the end of the post-roll period, at
which point it will stop, cancel the chase operation, and relocate to the edit-out point.

The PLAY or STOP button will cancel Review.