360 Systems TCR Multi-Track User Manual
Page 21

TCR Series User's Manual
Overview 2-5
Many buttons have both large and small legends. These are dual-function — the key’s function
depends on the context of the current operation. It is not necessary to use a “shift” key for the second
Capture / Mark
The CAPTURE button “grabs” a time code for use on the Transport Screen. When
pressed, the value in the red Time Code Display is transferred to the Time Code Register on
the Main display.
The MARK button places a checkmark (ü) after a filename on the File List. The marks are
used to group files together for functions such as copy and erase.
Locate / Find
The LOCATE button instantly “cues” to the time code value shown in the Time Code
The FIND button allows you to quickly find files. When pressed, the name of the desired file
can be entered, and the file immediately retrieved.
Store / Page Up
The STORE button will store the time code value that currently appears in the Time Code
Register, in a “Location Register”, so it may be retrieved for future use.
The PG UP (page up) button pages upward when a list is longer than the screen.
Recall / Page Down
The RECALL button allows you to recall a time code value from a Location Register, and
place it in the Time Code Register.
The PG DN (page down) button pages downward when a list is longer than the screen.
Keypad / Alpha
TheKeypad is designed for both numeric and alphanumeric entry modes, depending upon the
current operating context.
The KEYPAD buttons (0 through 9) will select numbered menu items directly, and
enter time code values.
The KEYPAD buttons can also become ALPHA keys (ABC through YZ/), allowing
files, drives, and directories to be given “real” names.
The +/- key toggles the Time Code Register between positive and negative values.
The * (star) key gives access to special Location Registers.
The SYM button allows you to enter special symbols that do not appear on the
keypad’s ALPHA keys.
The CLEAR button clears the Time Code Register to 00:00:00:00.
In alphanumeric entry modes, the SPACE button enters a blank space.
The MENU button will present the menus associated with the Drive, Directory, File or
Transport Screens.