Headroom selection, Crossfade time, Process delays – 360 Systems TCR Multi-Track User Manual
Page 56

4-6 Operations
TCR Series UserManual
Monitoring and Metering Rules
Please note the following important rules regarding the function of the MON buttons in conjunction
with the meters:
When a track is armed and recording, its meter shows the input levels that are being recorded.
When a track is not recording, the input monitor state determines whether the meter shows
input or playback levels.
When MON is toggled on, you will hear the track’s input, regardless of the state of the
track’s ARM button, and the meter will show input levels.
When MON is toggled off, monitoring and metering is determined by two factors: the
state of the ARM button, and the status of the MON ARMED TRACKS function in the
Machine Setup | Audio I/O menu:
When a track is armed and MON ARMED TRACKS is set to WHEN NOT
PLAYING, you will monitor and meter the input when the TCR is stopped.
When a track is armed and MON ARMED TRACKS is set to WHEN
RECORDING, you will monitor and meter the input only when the TCR is
When a track is not armed and MON is toggled off, its meter shows the track’s output
(playback) levels.
When a track is muted, its meter shows input levels only when the track is recording. No
level is shown for a muted track that is in the playback mode.
Headroom Selection
MENU | Machine Setup | Audio I/O | Headroom
The headroom selection specifies one of two gain structures for analog I/O. When a +4dBu reference
signal is applied to an analog input, the amplitude of the resulting digital signal may be configured to
be either 16dB or 20dB below digital full scale. Unity gain is always maintained from analog input to
analog output.
Crossfade Time
MENU | Machine Setup | Preferences | Crossfade
The crossfade duration is programmable over a wide range. It specifies the length of the crossfade
between playback audio and input audio when a track punches in or out of record. Programmed
crossfades are terminated when STOP is pressed. That is, if you pressed STOP in the middle of a
long crossfade, then it would be aborted when the button was pressed. Use the PLAY button to
punch out and obtain the full crossfade out period.
Process Delays
MENU | Machine Setup | Audio I/O | Set Process Delays
The processing delay for each pair of tracks can be shifted by a user-specified period to accommodate
delays in special effects equipment and mixers.