Front panel controls and functions, Cassette deck section – Panasonic SA-HD52 User Manual

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Front Panel Controls and Functions


Cassette deck section

О Cassette holder

0 Dolby noise-reduction switch (DOLBY NR)

This switch can t>e used to reduce the amount of the charac­

teristic "hissing” noise heard from the tape.
(Refer to page 21.)

О Reverse-mode selector (REVERSE MODE)

This selector is used for the selection of the desire reverse
mode for recording or playback.

О Tape deck 2 counter/reset button


This tape counter shows the amount of tape movement of the
tape in deck 2.
The reset button can be used to reset the tape counter reading

to “000”.


To reset the tape counter, be sure to press the reset button
completely. Otherwise, the tape counter may not operate cor­



Eject button (^ EJECT)

This button is used to open the cassette holder.


EdIt-recording tape-speed selector


This selector is used to select the recording speed when a
tape-to-tape recording is made.

0 Fast-forward/cue, rewtnd/revtew buttons

(^^CUE/REV ►►)

These buttons are used to advance or review the tape. During

playback these buttons are used to cue or review while listen­
ing to the contents at high speed. (Refer to page 20.)


Reverse-side playback button/IndIcator

(◄ PLAY)

This button is used to start the playback or recording (of deck
2 only) of side “B" of the cassette.
The indicator itluminates during playback or recording, and
flashes in the recording stand-by mode.

(The tape will move in the right-to-left direction.)


Stop button (■ STOP)

This button is used to stop the tape movement.

e Forward-side playback button/indicator

(► PLAY)

This button is used to start the playback or recording (of deck

2 only) of side “A” of the cassette.
The indicator illuminates during playback or recording, and
flashes In the recording stand-by mode. (The tape will move in

the left-to-right direction.)


This indicator Illuminates to indicate that this unit can now be

controlled by the remote-control transmitter.

0 Rewind auto edit button (REW AUTO EDiT)

This button is used to rewind the tape to the beginning and

start a tape-to-tape automatic recording.

0 Tape edit button/indicator (TAPE EDIT)

This button is used to start a tape-to-tape recording, simulta­

neously starting tape deck 1 (the playback deck) and tape
deck 2 (the recording deck). The indicator illuminates in this

This button is used while recording a tape on deck 2 to insert
a silent interval on the tape. (Refer to page 33.)


Recording pause button/indicator


This button is used to activate the recording pause mode. The

indicator will illuminate when in this mode. (Refer to page 33.)
